Chapter 2 Alice Madness Returns

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'You always were the mad one Alice. Always getting yourself into trouble, Why is it that you always wonder off?' Alice looked over at the Doctor and gave a faint smile 'I can see my wonderland. everywhere i go. Alice madness returns steam. its beautiful doctor.' The doctor shook his head shamefully and clicked his pen against his wood clipboard 'I suggest you take more of your Medication. It seems to help for only a little bit,' Alice shook her head quickly and hugged the small old rabbit sitting in her lap, She slumped back in the large red wooden chair. The doctor smiled at Alice softly 'I sense the disease in you Alice. the Madness. in your mind.'

Page 2 of the full game walkthrough for Alice: Madness Returns. Alice madness returns playstation 3. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. Jun 30, 2011 Alice: Madness Returns Wiki Guide; Basics; Basics; Basic Tips; Enemies; Enemies; Chapter 1 Enemies; Chapter 2 Enemies; Chapter 3 Enemies; Chapter 4 Enemies; Chapter 5.

Chapter 2 Alice Madness Returns

Alice Madness Returns Esrb

Alice shook off the memory and looked at the ground before her. The grass was filled with mushrooms and dead grass, Alice sighed and stood 'The disease he talked about. was it Wonderland.? or just my memories.? I remember he told me the cat started the fire in the library. but i remember the cat being in my room that night. she helped me escape the fire.' 'Alice!' Alice jumped and looked to her right to see Cat standing on a greenish mushroom 'You shouldn't be standing around thinking idiot! its time you find your weapon' Alice sighed and glared at the Cat 'I'm not allowed to think for god's sake? and it will come to me as always.' The Cat began to chuckle and smile at Alice 'The weapon is no where around here. If it was it would have found you by now' Alice rolled her eyes and began walking 'I'll call when i need you' 'As you wish stupid girl' Alice grunted in response and kept her gaze forward, As she walked by the River Of Tears she stopped to look at the water. It was clear and a light blue color, She looked up at the statue of the women crying and smiled 'Tears of pain.' She spoke aloud to herself. 'Alice!' Alice jerked at the loud voice behind her and looked back slightly. She saw a familiar looking man coming towards her, He was wearing a straight jacket with chains falling to ground looking slightly rusted. He gave Alice a wide wicked grin and got closer to her 'Hello Alice.' 'Sybil i see you escaped again' Sybil laughed and shook himself so his chains would rattle 'Yes i did! they made it to easy this time! just wait for the officer with the keys attached to his pocket to come close with the dinner meal and stab him with a fork!' Alice's eyes widened in surprise 'You.' Sybil looked at her 'Huh? normally you would have laughed at that. is something wrong?' Alice shook her head 'Killing is wrong Sybil.' Sybil stopped grinning and looked at her seriously 'Killing is life Alice! how dare you say it's wrong! you used to do it so much you were bathed in blood!' Alice cringed at the loudness in his voice and turned away ashamed 'Those memories i need to forget. for they will hurt my mind. that's what the doctor tells me' Sybil's face crinkled in disgust 'My word. That so called doctor has turned you into an idiot, you can't just forget about things that have happened.' Alice walked away from Sybil not wanting to hear anymore. 'Maybe hes right. but the doctor says their just in my mind.? I don't know what to think anymore! I'm confused dammit!'

Alice Madness Returns Mods

Alice twirled her fingers while staring down at the dead grass, Her doctor allowed her to go outside for the first time for 'Good Behavior'. She sighed loudly and put her back against the tall tree. She could hear the screaming of the patients inside, 'It must be nice. dying. i can see it a way out of anything. i bet death is beautiful.' Alice slowly lifted her eyes up to look at the green leaves of the tree 'Funny. the grass dies but the tree doesn't.' she chuckled a little as she said this aloud. 'Go on boy!' She heard a nurse yell from her right, She looked over to see she was pushing a young man. As Alice looked more closely she saw it was a man her age, He had black hair down to his leg and red looking eyes. The man looked up at Alice staring at her for a moment 'May i help you miss' Alice blinked and shook her head 'New to the hellhole?' 'Afraid so.' He said quietly, 'Well i can help you out if you like.' He looked at her and gave her a small mad smile 'that's alright. Whats your name?' 'Alice' He chuckled 'Nice. my name is Damian.' He held out his hand slowly. Alice looked at it and shook it 'Nice to meet you ms. Alice' 'Likewise.' She gave him a small smile and let go of his hand, He walked over to where she was standing and sat on the ground. 'So what did you do to get in here Alice?' Alice stood silently for a long time then slowly spoke 'They say i started a fire that killed my parents.' He looked up at her 'I see. well from the look of it. You didn't did you?' 'i. don't know honestly.' 'Hm. well people believe that i ate my parents.' Alice quickly looked at him 'Did you?' 'Hell no!' He started to chuckle 'Honestly what happened was, They both took so many drugs that they died. and our German Sheppard ate them.' Alice started to laugh 'Didn't like them eh?' 'Nope' He smiled up at her and stood. 'Damien! lets go now!' he looked over at a nurse that was standing in the doorway for him, He sighed 'See ya Alice' 'Bye.' Alice watched as he walked back inside and slowly sighed 'I guess i can trust someone.' She shook her head blushing. 'This may end badly. so I'll keep my eye out for him.'