Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East

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  1. Alice Madness Returns Steam
  2. Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Pig Snout
  3. Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Minecraft
  4. Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Minecraft

Alice: Madness Returns delves deep into the dark and violent side of the imagination, creating a nightmarish Wonderland where Alice must face the demons that haunt her visions. Learn More Uncover the Root Visit the grim reality of Victorian London and then travel to the beautiful yet ghastly Wonderland to uncover the root of Alice’s madness. Mysterious East in Alice Madness Returns is the most GORGEOUS place in the history of ever. I mean seriously i’m having shivers of joy just from looking at the view! Jun 14, 2011 Directed by Benjamin Kerslake, Paul Kurowski. With Susie Brann, Roger Jackson, Jarion Monroe, Anni Long. 10 year old Alice lost her family in a fire. For 10 years she remained catatonic in an asylum while her condition caused Wonderland to turn - dark.

In the 19th century of Victorian London in England, the city was thriving as traders with merchandise has wares to sell and dealers promoting their products to passing citizens. Despite it being a city, the streets were narrowed and dirty. The houses were cramped together with only a narrow road separating them. Besides the merchants and ordinary civilians, there will be a fiddler in some corner of the street: trying to earn his keep by playing pleasing tunes to his audience. In the dark alleys of the city awaits thugs or pickpockets, looking for victims to prey on for their trivial earnings. Once a while there was a clip-clop from a horse: pulling a wagon of materials or carrying patrolling police officers.

In one of the buildings, although it was quite old: it was beautifully maintained with good wood and fresh paint. Inside the house were antique furniture and the floors were littered with children's toys and crude drawings. The lower floors were filled with voices of children, laughing or talking to themselves while playing with what toys were still in one piece. On the top most floor was a room with a desk, bookshelves, medical instruments, an armchair and a couch.

Lying on the couch was a young woman with short, brunette hair, green eyes and pale white skin and standing there, leaning against the desk was a tall man with brown hair and beard and wearing glasses. He was wearing a green jacket with a pocket watch and he was taking notes with a quill when the girl woke up. The man looked at her and asked gently.

'Did you manage to forget your past, Alice?'

Alice Liddell rubbed her eyes and shook her head. 'I saw Wonderland again. And it's… Worse than before.'

The man just nodded and continues on taking notes as Alice stared forward, trying to make sense of her memory.

Meanwhile somewhere in outer space, a Gummi ship was floating in the dark void: passing through stars and worlds. Piloting this Gummi ship was a 20 years old boy with spiky brown hair, blue eyes and a smile on his face. Between him was a white duck in blue wizard armour and a dog wearing green armour. As usual, Sora, Donald and Goofy were patrolling the space: seeking out worlds that are plagued by Heartless. So far, most of the worlds they past through were peaceful.

'It's sure quiet around here, right guys?' Sora asked as he swerved the ship to the left.

'A-hyuk!' Goody agreed. 'And we managed to stop by just in time for Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding! They looked so cute together! Oh, and the feast was scrumptious!'

'It was a good thing that Kairi gave you her home-made cheery jam for the trip.' Donald said. 'It's make a good wedding gift.'

'Fancy that they don't have jams in the middle east!' Sora mused as he increased paced. 'Kairi is amazing!' Just then, a world appeared before them. 'Hey Donald, what world is that?'

Donald checked the scanners and quacked. 'It's Wonderland and it's doing fine. Not a Heartless in sight.'

'Gosh!' Goofy joined in. 'I wonder how Alice doing? What do you think Sora?' Strangely, Goofy did not get a straight answer from Sora. 'Sora?'

Hiding his face from his friends, Sora thought back when a great family tragedy changed Alice forever and made her more cold and indifferent. He also thought back about the feelings they had for each other and how she begged him to stay. Does she still have feelings for him? If so…

'Sora!' Donald quacked loudly, causing Sora to jump on his chair. 'What's wrong?'

Sora quickly shook his head. He is married to Kairi now. Feelings or no feelings, he and Alice are only friends. 'Donald, it's been one year already right?'

Donald nodded. 'Yes it has been.'

Sora made up his mind and he pulled down the lever. 'I say we visit Wonderland and see how Alice is doing. I did promised her I visit her.'

'I hope we get to have a tea parties like we use to have back in Wonderland!' Goofy said cheerfully.

Donald, however, was frowning at Sora's decision. 'Sora… I hope that's your only reason you want to visit her and nothing more.'

Sora squirmed at Donald's indirect accusation. 'Of course, there's nothing going on between us and you know that.'

Sora pulled down another lever and the Gummi ship sped towards Wonderland.

Sora landed the Gummi ship on an empty space deep inside a brown and yellow forest, indicating it was autumn. Sora turned off the engine and he, Donald and Goofy stepped out of the Gummi ship. When they did, they were amazed at the beauty of Wonderland. The sky was bright blue with white clouds and floating dominoes. The forest was enchanted with fall's beauty and there were exotic plants sprouting out from the ground. The group noticed that they were in front of a statue of crying Alive: the Vale of Tears. Despite it melancholy name, the water flowing out from Alice's eyes were crystal blue with brown leaves floating like boats down the waterfall that looks quite a height from where they are standing. Small creatures like butterflies and flying cows hovered above them as if welcoming the new arrivals.

Goofy breathe in deeply and exhaled with content. Donald twirled around to take in as much as possible while Sora smiled with relief.

'Looks like Wonderland is the way it's use to be.'

'It's always a relief to find yourself somewhere familiar. It's good to see you again, Sora, Donald and Goofy.'

Recognising that voice, Sora turned and smiled at Alice.


'Sora.' Alice smiled back and ran into him. Sora held up his arms and they embraced tightly. Alice wrapped her hands around Sora's neck and Sora wrapped his around her waist. They broke the embrace and Sora took a good look at Alice. She has grown taller the last time they met. Her hair was still long, straight and dark and her eyes were green with dark lashes. Her cheeks were less shrunken and her white apron has three mysterious symbols on them. To Sora however, she was the same Alice he knew.

'You changed a lot.' That was all Sora could say.

Alice smiled. 'You grown taller yourself too.'

They looked deeply into each other eyes for a long time until they were interrupted by a cryptic voice.

'Gazing the depths of one soul can be tiresome.'

The Cheshire cat appeared before them: still mangy and wearing that grins of his.

'Hey Cheshire cat', Goofy greeted him. 'Looks like someone been feeding you.'

The Cheshire cat purred. 'It's about time you lot come back, especially you Alice.'

Alice broke the embrace with Sora and scowled. 'Blasted cat! Don't try to bully me! I am very much on edge!'

The Cheshire cat's grin widened. 'Purrfect… When you are not on edge, you're taking up space.'

'You're no help at all!' Alice fumed.

The Cheshire cat just purred, 'But you know I can be.'

'I'll frighten myself when necessary, thank you very much.' Alice answered curtly. 'I was hoping to escape from all that.'

'Abandon that hope.' The Cheshire cat told her. 'A new law reigns in this Wonderland, Alice. It's very rough justice around. We're at risk here. You… Be on your guard.'

'We're at risk?' Sora now joined in. 'But I don't see anything that pose as danger.'

The Cheshire cat flashed a grin at Sora. 'Don't judge a book by it's cover. Looks can be deceiving.'

With that, he disappeared. Sora shook his head, 'He's still the same as ever.'

Alice rolled her eyes. 'That part hasn't changed.' Then she looked troubled. 'Sora, there might be some truth in what he said. I keep having… Visions that Wonderland is corrupted again.'

Sora was taken aback. Donald and Goofy joined in the conversation. 'Is it the Red Queen again?'

Alice shook her head. 'No. This… Evil presence is something… I don't recognise… But I hope I am wrong.'

Goofy looked deeper into the forest. 'Shall we explore more?'

Alice sighed, 'I suppose so. That cat probably trying to tell me something.'

Alice took the lead with Sora walking besides her and Donald and Goofy taking the rear. They had been walking for some time when Alice broke the silence.

'I thought you never come back.'

Sora, surprised at that statement, replied quickly, 'I promised that I will come back and visit, didn't I? Sorry it took so long.'

Alice nodded and asked, 'How are things with you and… Kairi?'

Sora beamed. 'It's great. We have been hanging out more often and Kairi is definitely someone you want to hang around. We even got married just a few months ago…' He stopped when he noticed that Alice stopped suddenly. Alice was looking down at her feet, her long hair hiding her face. Feeling uncomfortable, Sora turned to Donald and Goofy whose faces were saying, 'She's going to kill you'.

Sora gulped as he could have sworn that there was a maniacal smile on Alice face but it disappeared as she said, 'I see… I am happy for the both of you.'

With that, she walked on briskly, without waiting for him or for Donald and Goofy. Sore watched her go and he turned to his friends for advice. Goofy could only look at him with sympathy as Donald shook his head, as if saying 'It's better that she knows about it'.

Sighing, Sora, Donald and Goofy jogged faster to catch up with Alice. They walked in silence for quite a while until they approached a river that was red in colour.

'What the…?' Alice said and she quickly sprinted up river, Sora, Donald and Goofy hurrying up with her. There, they saw a small island splitting the river. On the island was a skeleton of a winged reptile and impaled into its bones was a kitchen knife.

'Isn't that the skeleton of the Jabberwock?' Sora asked in amazement. 'And sticking out of it…'

'The Vorpal Blade.' Alice confirmed with him. She strode forward and the Cheshire cat appeared between her and the skeleton.

'The Vorpal Blade is swift and keen and always ready for service.' He purred.

As soon as he was finished speaking, the Vorpal Blade pulled itself from the bones and floated up towards Alice. Alice grasped it and run her fingers on the side of the blade: admiring it.

As such, originally hysteria and hysterical behavior were assumed to be afflictions that only affected women, causing them to undergo severe emotional extremes. Alice madness returns dresses.

'I've not come back here looking for a fight.' She told the Cheshire cat.

'Really?' the Cheshire cat grinned. 'That's a pity. One's certainly looking for you.'

He disappeared again and Goofy looked forlorn. 'And I thought we just came here for tea and pastries.'

'It's look likes everywhere we go', Donald said. 'We always get into a fight.'

'True.' Sora grinned and turned to Alice. 'So it will be like good old times, right Alice?'

Alice looked at him, frowning. Sora flinched at her stare. Then she shrugged, 'I suppose. I could do with the whole teamwork again.'

It did not sound as enthusiastic as he had hoped but at least it was better than refusal. 'Yeah, we got your back all the way right guys?'

'Absolutely!' Donald said, hefting his wand.

'A-hyuk.' Goofy announced as he pulled out his shield. 'So… Who are we fighting again?'

'I'm not too sure exactly…' Alice admitted as she continued on. Then she stopped as she noticed something on the ground. 'What's is this?'

Sora joined her and saw that she was indicating to strange black substances on the ground. 'It's look like… ink.'

Just then, the black substance started bubbling. The group stepped back as the substance bubbled into a big, black blob. It was wearing a white mask of a child and attached to it were pipes that you find on machines. It blubbered as it raised its arms for attack. Behind it, more were coming out from the ground.

'What are those things?' Donald quacked.

Alice Madness Returns Steam

'No idea!' Alice said as she readied the Vorpal Blade. 'I say we fight otherwise we end up dead.'

'Agreed!' Sora said and charged with Kingdom Key held high. He swung his key-blade at two of those blobs and halved them with one blow. Alice stabbed and sliced with Vorpal Blade as if she was dancing, felling many of the blobs. Donald set three of the blobs on fire and Goofy finished the job with a good smash from his shield. Soon, the area was cleared off enemies and the group relaxed a bit.

'That was easy.' Sora grinned. 'Looks like you know how to wield that knife of yours.'

For the first time telling her that he was married to Kairi, Alice gave a fierce grin back. 'Yeah, glad I still had it.'

'Hey guys!' Goofy acclaimed. 'Look!'

He was pointing at a house at the end of the path. Puzzled that a building was here so deep in the forest, Alice, Sora, Donald and Goofy approached it warily. They opened the door and entered: only to wish they had not. Inside the house was only a kitchen painted in strips of pale pink and brown and the floors tiles in blue and white mosaic. There was a table with all sorts of ingredients on top and knives hanging about everywhere on the wall. There was a stove and stirring a giant pot was a giantess wearing a green dress and a light green chef's hat.

Donald and Goofy were trying to push Sora and Alice out of the house when the Duchess noticed them. 'Ah, it's you again, darlings. You may approach.'

Not trusting the woman, they slowly approached her: keeping a distance. Alice asked, 'Why would we do that? You wanted to eat us!'

The Duchess demurred, 'Yes, well you taught me manners and I lost my appetite for mad women.' She glanced at Sora. 'Same goes with boys who swing key-blades around: strictly a porcine diet for me. Although', she looked at Donald and Goofy. 'I always wanted to try duck stew with fungus and dog and porcupine pie.'

'Quack!' Donald hid behind Goofy who just scratched behind his ears.

'Didn't you want to turn us into roast duck stuffed with pig intestines and dog kebab glazed with blood of raccoon?'

'Goofy!' Donald quacked out loud.

The Duchess waved dismissively. 'Had to give up on that. Couldn't find any raccoons. Anyway, everything is better with bacon don't you agree? Of course you do. Now, there are pig snouts scattered about. I heard some at the back; go fetch them for me. Pepper them up. They need spice and you're the dishes… I mean people to do it.'

Alice crossed her arms. 'And why should we help you?'

The Duchess continued her stirring. 'For one, I won't eat you. And you can keep my pepper grinder. It's really spice things up.'

Alice looked at Sora who shrugged. Alice gave in and took the pepper grinder from the table and headed out. As soon as they were out, they could here oinks in the air. They looked up and saw pig snouts with wings fluttering all over the place. Alice aimed the pepper grinder at the snouts and turned the grinder: firing pepper like a machine gun. A dozen or so snouts became agitated and soon, they were sneezing loudly. They fell down onto the ground and made no resistance as Sora, Donald and Goofy picked them up.

'Think that's enough?' Sora asked.

'Guess so.' Alice said. 'She's getting too fat anyway.'

They all laughed and carried the snouts back to the Duchess. The Duchess was licking her lips as they put the snouts on the table. 'Thank you so much for the snouts, dearies. Now go away before I changed my mind.'

They hurried out of the house as quickly as they can.

'What an obnoxious woman!' Alice said.

'It was a good thing that she didn't want to turn us into dishes when she had a chance.' Goofy panted.

Sora and Donald nodded as the group continued on their path. Sora judged the right moment before asking Alice, 'How are things with you in the… real world?'

Alice looked at him and answered, 'Not too bad. I recover most of my sanity and I am living with a psychiatrist called Doctor Angus Bumby. He uses hypnotism to make his patients forget about their past. So far… It's not working. I keep getting hallucinations of Wonderland.'

Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Pig Snout

'Is that so bad?' Sora asked.

Alice nodded. 'It's painful and tearing me apart. I want to have my normal life back again.'

'But what about Wonderland?' Sora asked. 'What about the Cheshire cat, Caterpillar and the others?'

Alice cringed and turned away from Sora. 'I… Don't know.'

Before Sora could say anymore, Goofy pointed to something. 'Hey guys, look!'

The group came upon an end of train tracks that lead through a tunnel. Alice kneeled to inspect it and frowned. 'Odd, never seen this before.'

'Do you think that these train tracks will lead to whatever causing Wonderland to fall apart again?' Sora asked.

'Only one way to find out.' Alice said and strode towards the tunnel. As the group ventured deeper, the tunnels became more cold and dark. Soon, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and after exiting, they found themselves in a barren wasteland with giant broken teapots sticking out of the ground.

'Well Goofy', Donald said. 'Looks like we're having tea.'

'Oh goody!' Goofy clapped his hands. Out of nowhere, a giant fork impaled in front of them and small figures came out from the teapots. The creatures skin were sickly green with yellow eyes and gears sticking out from their back. They were armoured with jagged tea glasses and armed with either a giant spoon or fork. They came menacingly towards the group.

'Madcap!' Alice hissed as she took out the Pepper Grinder and started turning. The pepper knocked the forks and spoons off the Madcaps' hands, making them defenceless when Goofy's shield flew and slammed into them. Alice stopped turning and smiled at the Pepper Grinder.

'It does spice things up.'

'Maybe this is the Duchess way of apologizing for trying to eat us before.' Sora said.

'It's better be.' Alice said as she switched back to the Vorpal Blade. She pushed Sora aside and slammed her knife into a Madcap's head. The creature gurgled blood and fell on the dusty floor. Behind her, a Madcap jumped from one of the teapots and directed its fork towards her back: only to be sliced by Sora. Donald electrocuted many of the Madcaps while Goofy had a battle of shields with one of the creature before knocking it unconscious. The remaining Madcaps scurried back from whatever hole they came from, fearing their demise from the group.

'That's that.' Sora said.

'You know', Goofy said as he looked at the bodies of the Madcaps. 'These little guys reminded me of someone…'

'I agree with you, Goofy.' Alice said. 'And seeing these creatures here, I suspect we going to meet him soon.'

'What on earth is that?' Donald asked as he and the others stood on the edge of a cliff.

After passing more broken teapots, the group reached a black cable-line station. Opposite to it was a giant black castle that was floating in mid-air with many dark towers shaped like teapots and giant gears sticking out of it.

Sora turned to Alice. 'What is that building?'

Alice madness returns 2d. 'Have you forgotten?' Alice asked him. 'We been there before with four old friends of mine. Three of them always in a tea party.'

Sora made two and two together and said, 'The Mad Hatter's Domain?'

'Yes. It seems we're going to see him again. It's almost as I remember it.'

'Like I said before, appearances, as you know better than most, can be deceiving.' The Cheshire cat appeared in front of a horn before them. 'Much has changed since you last visit.'

'Dr Bumby says change is constructive.' Alice countered. 'Different is good.'

'Different denotes neither bad or good, but it certainly mean 'not the same'.' The Cheshire cat said. 'Find the Hatter, Alice. He knows more about different than you.'

'But does he know more about the difference between bad and good?' Alice asked.

The Cheshire cat purred. 'That is for you to decide.' He grinned as he disappeared again.

Goofy approached the horn and gave it a loud blow. Soon, a teapot shaped cable car came and the door opened. The group quickly entered it and the cable car was soon on its way to Hatter Domain. They passed through flying gears in a calm and serene night filled with stars: the citadel ruining the peaceful moment. The cable car brought them into the citadel and the group stepped out of the contraption.

Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Minecraft

Sora looked at Alice and was amazed. 'Alice, your dress!'

Alice looked down to see what Sora was so excited about. Her blue dress and white apron transformed into a black dress with white neck-frill like collar, a black waist cipher with a harness attached and black leather buckled fingerless gloves. On her back was a clock with two metallic wings and leather straps. Her apron was also made out of leather and also black.

'What do you know?' Alice mused. 'A new outfit; what do you think?'

Sora looked at it long and hard. 'It does matched your hair.'

Alice smiled.

'And her mood.' Donald whispered to Goofy who giggled. Unfortunately it was too loud because Alice whirled on them, a glare coming out from her eyes.

'Anything you boys want to say?'

Donald and Goofy quickly shook their head as Alice and Sora walked deeper into the citadel. They passed through many of Hatter's workshops, gruesome and gory from his past victims' corpses. Despite defeating the Mad Hatter, everything was running smoothly. The machineries were working and the gears were gliding smoothly against each other.

'I can't believe he's still alive.' Sora whispered.

'Yeah!' Donald agreed. 'Especially after blowing him up into smithereens.'

Alice frowned. 'I don't think so. If he was alive, he should be greeting us right now.'

Before they can continue on, Alice fell to her knees: screaming and clutching her head as if she was in pain. Before anyone of them could respond, they were suddenly surround by fire: the flames reaching over them. Donald pointed his wand and cast a water spell to dose the flames. Strangely, the spell did nothing to stop the flames nor were the flames burning them.

'What's going on?' Donald panicked.

Sora calmly looked around and saw that Alice stopped screaming. 'I think… I think we're in Alice's memory.'

The flames slowly turned into a library furnished with expensive paintings and antique furniture. The bookshelves were filled with rare and priceless books and tomes of foreign language. The floor was covered with a Persian carpet. There was an old camera, a table with fine china and two armchairs. At first the library was dark when suddenly the fireplace lit up by itself: giving light to the entire room.

'Our lovely library was a fire trap.' Alice suddenly spoke. 'A conflagration waiting to happen!'

The memory disappeared and they were back in Hatter Domain: Alice was still on her knees. Sora and Goofy helped on her feet.

'Are you okay?' Donald asked.

Alice Madness Returns Mysterious East Minecraft

Alice nodded and rubbed her head. 'I'm fine.'

Sora dared ask the question. 'Was that how your house was burned down?'

Alice frowned and slowly shook her head. 'No, it wasn't as simple as that.' Then she started pondering. 'Maybe that's why I was brought back to Wonderland: not only to save Wonderland but to find out what really happened on the day I lost my family in the fire.'

'Then the sooner we find the Hatter the sooner we find out what really happened.' Sora said supportively.

Alice nodded. 'Right.'

The group continued on until they walked into a large empty hall with a glass window as a ceiling. There two lifts going up somewhere and at the back of the hall, the wall was broken: revealing gears that were running smoothly. As the group ventured deeper, they stumbled upon a head and a body leaning against the wall. The body was without arms or legs and it was dressed in white wool clothing with a metal gear sticking out of the back. The head was green in colour with a large nostril, a few crooked teeth and yellow pupils in the eyes: similar to the Madcaps they encountered earlier. Oddly, the head was still breathing and muttering to itself: indicating it was alive.

Alice, Sora, Donald and Goofy finally found the Mad Hatter, or what left of him

This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

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Good lord.
  • Where exactly to begin? Let's start with the 'where' indeed?
    • First we have lovely pastoral Wonderland..that slowly devolves into a hellish, dead world with black ichor dripping everywhere and a blood red sky.
      • And how. Going around the happy Wonderland, butterfly jumping, nice music, family memories. Down the slide- wheee! Oh, look! I just landed in a puddle of blood!
      • Right in front of the pile of bones that used to be the Jabberwock, no less.
    • Then there is Hatter's newly renovated realm, a steampunk's nightmare of gears, grinders, and a Dodo 'misery-ium'.
      • Oh God, the dodos. Forced to run on giant hamster-wheels to be killed if they stop is bad enough, then there's the fact that they have been mechanically mutilated like the March Hare and Doormouse who now run the place, THEN there's the delightful bit that they are attached to the aforementioned hamster-wheels by the axle going through their eyes!
    • Advertisement:
    • Next up is Tunderful and the Deluded Depths. Not too bad, at first. Little dark humor with the Carpenter & Walrus..and then you have to enter into the pitch black tombs of dead sailors, following a glowing seahorse through the gloom lest the seething darkness itself sap your life away.
      • After this, you find your way back to the Theatre..specifically, you find a back door and enter via the basement. Long story short, here's hoping that you weren't in the mood for sushi. Why? Because the basement is is brutally decorated with bloody piles of fish people that have been torn open and gored.
      • Especially when you notice that the mayor is still alive and crucified, and he's groaning insane gibberish.
      • After the above, you find your way back into the Theatre proper, and things look as normal as ever. But even as you walk past the production staff, all gathered for the big performance, the music is subtly off, reflecting how you now understand something's terribly, terribly wrong.
      • Wrapping things up in the Deluded Depths? Why, only the Walrus' rampage against the oysters and the audience, starting with him literally crashing the play, telling a gruesome rhyme about death in all its forms (complete with visuals), then straight up devouring all the aquatic citizens!
    • Advertisement:
    • The Mysterious East isn't too bad..until you enter the paper wasp tombs that are slowly filling with the black ooze of ruin, and the walls whisper to you.
      • The seemingly innocent female statues later in the level that, upon further inspection, have the heads of wasps. And even the ones with normal human heads are crying blood and half-naked with their kimonos pulled open, which one can probably assume is a manifestation of Alice's guilt over Lizzie's rape.
      • What about the mutilated Origami ants, or those imprisoned in cages suspended on a huge abyss? And the fact that the Wasps will fill them with eggs, just like Real Life wasps?
      • The wasp samurai themselves, for anyone with a fear of hornets. The buzz they make as they attack is entirely too realistic.
    • Queensland. Hey remember how great that entire living womb of a castle was? Well now you get to play through a dead and rotting womb.. until the end, and then you get the place in high-def!
      • Speaking of Queensland, it would be foolish not to mention the Queen's Executioner, who is three times taller than the normal cards, cannot die, and has maggots in both his eye sockets.
      • It's worse than that. That's not maggots; that's a tentacle going in and out of his eye sockets.
      • What you have to do to the King. Poor bastard's trapped and is blocking Alice's way into the castle. So, what does she have to do? Smash him. All that's left of him is his right eye, still trapped on the wall staring into nothing.
      • And who can forget the zombie cardmen? Their claw rush is tricky to dodge, they like to attack in packs, and they can get back up after being struck down. The only way to kill them is to [[swing the Hobby Horse down on their prone bodies, or blow them up twice with the Teapot Cannon.]]
      • How about the Queen herself? She might be more unsettling than downright terrifying at first, but that changes quite a bit towards the end of her scene: after giving Alice a lecture on ignorance, she picks her up with her tentacles, opens her mouth far too much for comfort and apparently eats her alive. All of which is seen in glorious first-person. Oh, and there's an image of it on the game's wiki, which you really don't want to accidentally stumble across.
  • Did you know that the innocent, implicative, something's-definitely-off kinda horror; creepy, desolate, eerie horror; pervasive unease, mind-screwingly reminiscent, sorta-familiar horror and oppressive, bloodcurdling, soul distorting horror are supposed to be, at least to the extent that they don't ALL come into play at the same time, mutually exclusive, and for a good reason? Yeah, American McGee didn't know that, so he created the Dollhouse world. Wasn't that sweet of him?
    • To put it into perspective, when you get up there and start exploring, you can quickly go from longing to the point where things will get worse and the world will transform into an Eldritch Location just so you can get away from all the deformed, broken, creepy dolls, to longing back to the deformed, broken, creepy dolls when things GETWORSE without even easing up on the creepy factor..
    • At this point, a more in-depth description of the Dollhouse level might be in place: it looks like a giant city of dollhouses, only that the houses are ripped apart and disembodied doll parts are everywhere, as well as Dollgirls waiting to kill you with scissors and fire. Gets Worse as the game progresses, everything gets darker and darker and it feels like you're traveling through some sort of abandoned orphanage/basement/asylum, with even more disembodied doll parts, taxidermied things, skeletons in glass displays, dolls with parts cut and ripped out, hell, even the levers are with a bloodied eye or a doll head with it's brain exposed floating in liquid, watching you as you pull the lever.
    • The Broken Doll enemies. Yeah, it's a giant broken doll attacking you with fire breath and broken scissors. Imposing, but by this time we've been through the Queen's level. We've seen worse. Then, while you're attacking it, you shred its clothes. The doll then shrieks, wraps her hands around her body, and shakes her head. You follow this by blowing her arms off, rending her (almost) helpless and then ripping open her chest and attacking her heart.
    • Not to mention the music in that chapter. A really slow, out of tune, hurdy-gurdy track. Sweet dreams.
    • Never mind the music..try not to think too hard about the Unfortunate Implications of what fighting the Broken Doll is meant to resemble in Alice's fractured mind.
  • When you replay the game. Did anyone see it? Yes, run around and look for collectibles you missed.. then the Insane Child appears. Watching you. Waiting for you. And running away when you go after it. So does that mean that every time you've been in Wonderland there is a insane, horribly mutilated, unnatural young child that will never be innocent again waiting and following and watching your every move? Paranoia Fuel much?
    • Oh, and, guess what, it appears again! As Alice runs around in her subconscious in that place only lit by streetlamps, the horribly mutilated child shows up once again. It's following her, like it always has, but now it has lost half its body, trailing and dripping blood behind it and CRAWLING BACK to Alice while trying to talk to her and saying 'We need your help!' There is just something innately horrifying to a young child that has been reduced to such a state. Despite everything that has happened to the child it is following you, what could have happened to it that made it crawl back to Alice and beg for help? What attacked it? What could be looming ahead? It makes for powerful Foreshadowing. Then, even though it is the stuff of nightmares, the Insane Child is still on Alice's side, and it is trying to help her regain her sanity.
  • Body Horror: The opening sequence of the game. Alice is sailing 'with a friend' the White Rabbit, but then his head explodes in a shower of blood, the river turns into black slime infested with doll heads and doll parts, then the dolls crawl up Alice and rip her face off!
  • Doctor Angus Bumby. And not just his monstrous, Wonderland form (The Dollmaker), but also of his role in real life. And also the fact that he was going to be a Karma Houdini if it weren't for Alice.
  • The asylum sequence. Not the usual brand of creepy that Alice dishes out. It was the subtle atmosphere, seeing the other patients wandering around, trying to get a good look at their faces — only to see that they had no faces, and then being cornered by the Tweedle Brothers and the faceless nurse, strapped to a bed, and nearly trepanned.
    • The patients do have faces. Horrible, grimacing dark faces equipped with clamps and stretchers straight from A Clockwork Orange.
    • Poor Alice. She's been shaved of all her hair, her brain is fried and is just a hollow shell of herself doing nothing but walking around the asylum with nothing but a vacant stare and a straitjacket binding her.
    • Which is not to say that the Asylum is devoid of less subtle imagery. After the cutscene in the Trepanning room, giant bloody screws are sticking through the ceiling and walls. And the Bloodletting room drips endlessly. But not with blood: it's leeches. The ceiling is teeming with them, or possibly is made of them. (Thankfully, the Ward has a pretty amusing conversation.)
    • And that nurse? You remember her: it's Pris Witless.
    • In the deleted Shock Therapy room, the Tweedles mention that they hope the shocks make her forget the time they touched her inappropriately.
  • The rape subtext on the Dollhouse. Near the end you find a giant doll, with a gaping hole between its legs, lying on the floor, legs wide open. You have to go through that hole and through that doll to the other side.
    • There are two giant dolls: the one referred to above, each with a hole to go through.
  • Alice getting turned into a doll with a giant freaky head near the end.
  • The hopelessness of the London segments. Almost every named character is looking to take advantage of Alice in some way or another - and most of them are bigger than her. It's a setting where innocence is prey, trust fatal and virginity a myth. The banality of it all is shocking. After the first few throaty offers to take Alice to bed, paranoia sets in. The poor thing is scarred enough as it is; but even without the schemes of Dr. Bumby, an encounter with the wrong gentleman could so easily undo all her slow recovery and destroy her for good.
  • In the first game, the insane children represent the others at the asylum. In the sequel, they're the orphans at Houndsditch. Everyone knows that, right? Well, now make the connection. Not only are those kids being pimped out, but they're all mentally damaged to that extent. And then Bumby's 'therapy' corrupts their memories and destroys whatever's even still left of them until they're just blank slates, toys for others to abuse. That's pretty horrific.
    • Hey, you know those framed cross-stitch things that typically say 'HOME SWEET HOME'? Well, Houndsditch has a couple like it that you might just blow by if all you're trying to do is get on with the game part of the game. The first says 'HOME SAFE HOME'; given the above, it's rather ironic. The second you'll encounter says 'EARN YOUR KEEP'; normally good advice, except for how Bumby expects them to do so..
  • Near the beginning of the game, before your first Wonderland section, in fact, you can encounter some children playing hopscotch, if you go to the right place. Nearby, facing the wall, is a little girl. If you go near her, she numbly recites a poem. The way she says it might lead you to wonder what happened to her. A possible clue? Near the end of the game, The Dollmaker recites it when turning Alice into a doll.
  • It's a minor thing but there are a few implications that Alice's lawyer, Radcliffe had spent quite an amount of Alice's inheritence on luxury items (the Eastern vases and other objects seen in his house): who knows how much money is left now? What if Alice finally gets well enough to take her money, only to discover it's all gone? Who knows how she will end up taking care of herself with no money..
    Pris: On the street, selling 'er backside!
    • This particular fear doesn't eventuate (we learn from Alice: Otherlands that she found a job shelving books in an opera house), but that doesn't make its likelihood any less worrying.
  • The Colossal Ruin. The character profile says that it just gets worse if you fight it.
  • The line 'And that noise wasn't Lizzie talking in her sleep.' was pretty damn creepy, largely because of what it implies.
  • If you look around in the Dollhouse level you will see a lot of implications of child prostitution, like dolls in corners with a price tag on them, which becomes especially devastating when later, on the Infernal Train, you see a cutscene of Bumby selling off children wearing price tags to 'wanting customers'. Or what about the beds soaking with blood, implying horrible things may have happened to the dolls of the dollhouse.
    • Once you realize that all those dolls were created by the Dollmaker, and the Dollmaker makes those dolls out of real children, you start to grasp how many lives have been destroyed for the sake of child prostitution.
  • Alice finding out who caused the fire. We're treated to a lovely cutscene of Dr. Bumby breaking into Alice's house and closing in on her sister while alone in her room. He gives her a horrificDeath Glare and locks the door..
  • There is a loading screen tip that reads: 'The Hobby Horse is the most direct route to a Dollgirl's heart.' If you fight a Dollgirl, you slowly but surely undress her until you break open her chest and destroy her heart. A Hobby Horse is a toy. Basically, when you are fighting a Dollgirl you are, symbolically, earning the girl's trust by playing with her and her toys, and you slowly continue until she is fully undressed, at which point you can pretty much imagine what is being done to her next. It makes killing those Dollgirls just that much harder.
    • Well hey, if you don't like that suggestion, you can always reach her heart with several spots of tea.. oh right, tea parties.
  • The way the Fleshmaiden dress looks almost seamless on Alice's skin, it might not be a dress at all..
  • The way how each piece of Wonderland is at least partially inspired by the Victorian London segment before that is abit sad in how Wonderland seems to show how things really are beneath the surface..
    • Let's start with the Vale of Tears and Mad Hatter's Domain. The Vale of Tears is an original part of Wonderland with seemingly no counterpart in London. But as we keep going onwards, we find the land distorting with black sludge and the corpse of the Jabberwock, until we eventually get to the Mad Hatter's Domain. The Domain itself seems like a steampunk fantasy inspired by Victorian London..until you see all the Dodos working themselves exhausted or to death by their overbearing bosses, the March Hare and Dormmouse. This somewhat reflects the era of the Industrial Revolution, where worker abuse was commonplace with little to no regard for the workers getting hurt or even killed.
    • Next is Tundraful. The Victorian segment before this involved Alice being fished out of a river by two brutes who were talking about bedding her, going through a freezer and seeing Jack Splatter making his way through the Mangled Mermaid, a whorehouse, and setting the place on fire. Tundraful starts off nicely enough as glaciers, a few sharks here and there and you make your way to the Deluded Depths where a nice town of fish people live, and the Walrus and the Carpenter are putting together a play. But then things get terrible when it's revealed it's a ruse by the Carpenter to keep pieces of Wonderland alive and trying to sate the Walrus's appetite with the audience they play to, lulling them into a false sense of security before devouring them whole. Such is the monstrosity of pimping, devouring everyone else to sate your desire for more money and sex.
    • Next is the Vale of Doom and Oriental Grove. We start with Alice leaving with Nan Sharpe to go to Radcliffe's place, and his shelves are adorned with oriental imagery. Then Alice has another psychotic episode making her go to the Vale of Doom, her Vale of Tears ran through by the train. She finds one miniscule place of safety, but even that has its own issues. The Grove is taken over by warlike wasps hurting the peaceful ants who pray for help only to recieve none. The Vale of Tears becoming the Vale of Doom can be seen as synonymous to Alice losing the last peaceful place in Wonderland she had with Nan Sharpe being one of the only people supporting her. The Oriental Grove can be seen as synonymous to British Colonialism in the Far East with the Wasps being the English, or, more relevant to the actual story, the parasitic abuse and destruction of the weak and helpless by those in power.
    • At Chapter 4, we have Cardbridge and Queensland. The Victorian Section starts with Alice waking up in a jail cell, being taken there for a psychotic episode, during which she had called out a man who used others for their own gain. Then we get treated to the cells becoming like the dungeons in Queensland and Alice appears in Cardbridge. Now Cardbridge isn't that bad..until we get towards Queensland. Here, the Castle of Hearts is ruined, the Queen's tentacles still there but rotted and useless. So many White Chess pieces scattered about and dead, with the White King needed to be smashed through to enter! Then you need to run through the corridors as the Executioner chases you and terrorizes you. All the while, you have to make your way to the Queen and the closer you get, the more 'alive' things get. When you finally get to the Queen, she calls out Alice on ignoring the abuse around her and wants her to realize the true threat causing it all, and the fire, is right next to her..
    • And finally, we have the Dollhouses. As said above, the Dollhouses don't have a victorian segment, and are made up of supposedly colorful bits with Doll Girls, where fighting them is synonymous to rape, and many bits implying the act of rape. The lower bits show the true horror, littered with devices of torment and body parts scattered about. Out of all the areas that this place can take after, it takes after the Houndsditch Home For Wayward Youth and the truth of what Bumby has been doing there. He makes it look like a respectable place on the surface, but in reality it's a horrible place where kids are taken apart mentally until they're mindless enough to be used for other's pleasure. The kids are no different to the pieces of dolls scattered about in the Dollhouse, or the body parts kept in vats, conscious enough to be alive but unable to do anything about their situations.
