Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader

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Author's Note: -begs on ground- Forgive me! I've been focusing a lot on my book, mostly because those character are speaking to me first and foremost. They demand a lot of my time, so I don't always have time for my fan fiction. Hope you enjoy the chapter! WARNING! There is a lemon in this one. That's right! Cheshire Cat and Alice goodness. ENJOY!

Chapter 4

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works. The Cheshire Cat is Alice Liddell's primary ally and principal companion in Wonderland. He is a talking cat that constantly smiles, and can disappear at will. Although a friend to Alice, the Cheshire Cat commonly has a snarky attitude towards her and she always returns the same treatment. Cynical, sarcastic, distant, philosophical and earnest, he can render valuable service. The Madness of Love: Various Yandere Alice The Madness Returns X Alice Reader 9.9K Reads 221 Votes 4 Part Story. By EPICNESSQUEEN21 Ongoing - Updated Jul 05, 2019 Embed Story. Various Yandere Alice The Madness Returns X Alice Reader is updated. Facebook Google.

Cheshire led Alice back to the bedroom, where he stopped at the first picture, slowly explaining events as they happened.

'We were so happy when we found out you were pregnant!' He beamed, touching a picture of her with a swollen stomach, and his arms wrapped around her. 'We argued over names forever, until we ended up naming them after ourselves, in true Wonderland fashion. Al is the older of our two children. Two hours between them. You had a hard time giving birth to Chess. He was the bigger of the two babies. I think he was also a gentlemen and told his sister, 'Ladies first.'

Alice laughed at that, which made the Cheshire Cat grin at her.

He went through more pictures and paused at the one of her second pregnancy, he glanced at her before skipping it, going onto more happy events.

Stories and words, were spun from each picture, Cheshire smiling softly as he told each one. By the end of the trip down memory lane, Cheshire had his arms wrapped around her, and his head resting on her shoulder.

Alice swallowed and tried to calm her beating heart.

'Are you going to stay with us for good, Alice?' He asked after many moments of silence.

'I. . .I don't know.' Alice admitted softly. 'I know I could be happy here, and a perfect life has been laid out before me. What about the one I live in the real world though? In the end, even if this world does exist, its still just my fantasy. Whatever I say will go, and people will try to make me happy, or to be their friend or ally no matter the costsxE2x80地s I have seen. There's evil in this world, just like in the real one.'

'I can protect you from the evil here though. I have no reach over there.' Cheshire told he softly, kissing her neck gently. 'You don't have to try to be something you're not for me. You just have to be my Alice. The woman I love and married, mother of our children, and the live giver of Wonderland. By just being here, you have breathed even new life into the world.'

'What happens to the Wonderlands when 'Alice' stops believing?' Alice asked, trying to gently shrug out of his arms.

Cheshire sighed and let her go before answering, 'It dies. It decays and we die slowly and painfully. The world won't truly die until the 'Alice' of that world dies, though. So, if you stopped believing in this world, we would start to waste away. Me, our children, the trees, the very building we are in. The air would become un-breathable. . .'

'You know a lot about this. . .' Alice trailed off, uncertain. 'Did that start to happen here?'

'No.' Cheshire assured her quickly. 'But we know that there are other Wonderlands. We can tell when they begin to die. Only a few other Wonderland's have lasted this long. One though, sacrificed itself to save some of the others though. When a Wonderland dies, the feelings of fear, desperation, hate, pain, all of it, still exists, long after even the 'Alice' has died. One Wonderland was thriving and the 'Alice' of that world was happy and in love. Corruption happened though, and the Wonderland was re-written. The second time over, the deceased Wonderland's sought it out like moths to flames. They wanted to destroy the 'Alice' of that world, but her lover and friends wouldn't allow it. They gave themselves over to the darkness that had turned the creatures of other Wonderland's into vile creatures. They forced 'Alice' back into her own world, and battled until they killed them all. They died themselves.'

Alice put a horrified hand to her mouth, while a few tears escaped her eyes. 'That's horrible!'

'It's something we all fear.' Cheshire admitted, reaching up and brushing her tears away. 'If you aren't happy here, Alice, go back to your world, but don't stop believing in us. If not for just the sake of not killing us, then think of our kids.'

'I. . .I have to think about it.' Alice admitted.

Cheshire bowed his head and stepped further away from her. 'You can have the bed again tonight, I will sleep else where.' He walked toward the door and opened it slowly, 'The kids have been fed and are in bed. Help yourself to the kitchen. I'm afraid I must go for a walk. I'll be back later. Don't bother waiting up.'

Alice was alone only moments later.

She took in a deep breath and looked around her at the room. Everything spoke of the romance and life she had with the Cheshire Cat. All proof was there.

She let out a frustrated breath.

'Let's see.' She thought, sarcastically. 'Go back to my world where my parents keep me at arms length, my mother seems to hate me, and I have no friends. Or, stay with a gorgeous man who claims to practically worship you with every breath he breaths, has the body that could make anyone jealous, and is build for sex? Father to your children, and loves them too, and you. . .He claims to love you too. . .Has a house already for the family. . .'

Alice groaned into her hands as she covered her face.

The choice was simple, but something was holding her back.

An image of her teacher popped into her mind. Ms. Rouge? Alice swallowed as she fully realized her teacher name. Alice Rouge.

Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader Free

Alice stumbled over to the bed and sat down. Her teacher knew. She knew about the Wonderland, because she had one herself. She wanted Alice to explain her Wonderland to her.

She laid down on the bed, not caring about the hunger that crawled at her stomach, or the worry in her heart.

Exhaustion was what was on her brain, at that moment.

Alice woke up the next morning to the Cheshire Cat sitting down on the side of the bed, and brushing her hair from her face.

'Hey baby.' He whispered, leaning down and kissing her temple. 'You okay?'

'I have to go back to my world.' Alice told him.

She watched as all emotion drained from his eyes and face. 'I understand.'

'I want to come back though.' Alice said softly. 'There's something I need to do. As stupid as it's going to sound, I have a homework assignment.'

The Cheshire Cat tilted his head at her, still no emotions showing. 'A what?'

Alice took a deep breath. 'My teacher assigned us a homework assignment. Her name is Alice Rouge. She wants us to come up with what our own Wonderland's will be like. She wants me to tell her about my own Wonderland. It's also the perfect way to let someone know what happened to me. If one person in the world knows that I'm okay, then I'm okay. Let the rest of them guess and wonder.'

'But you want to come back after that?' He asked, uncertainty finally making itself known in his voice.

Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader

'I do.' Alice smiled, sitting up. 'I want to come back to my husband and children.'

Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader

Cheshire had her pressed back down into the mattress in an instant, as he kissed her until there wasn't a sane thought in her head. Hands pushed at her clothes until they were no longer on her body, and his own disappeared as well.

Alice And The Cheshire Cat

Alice flushed bright red as he had her naked, and stared down at her like a man gazing at a feast.

'You are so beautiful.' He whispered, running clawed fingertips over her skin, causing her to shiver. He trailed his hands down to her body until they were at her knees. Gently, he pulled them apart and lowered his mouth. He licked and kissed her nether lips as if he was kissing for her real. Teeth nipped playfully, causing excited cries to leave her mouth. 'You taste wonderful.' He purred. He actually purred!

He continued to please her for what seemed like an eternity before he came back to hold himself over her body, grinning at her.

'I want to make love to you now.' He whispered to her, kissing and nipping at her neck. 'Will you let me?'

'YES!' Alice cried out, throwing her legs open wider as he settled his hips between her own legs.

He positioned himself at her entrance and pushed in slowly. He gritted his teeth and bit out a curse. 'You're so tight!' As he continued to push himself in, he was shocked to find a barrier there. 'A virgin? . . .Of course, you've never physically made love.' He panted out, laughing softly to himself. 'Relax for me baby.'

Alice did relax, and he pushed through the thin barrier quickly, and then ceased all movement, holding as still as a cat stalking its prey, suddenly.

'I love you.' He whispered in to her, staring into her eyes. 'My beautiful, wonderful, Alice.'

Alice blushed and looked away, scared by the intimacy he had brought into the sex suddenly.

He grabbed her chin gently in a soft grip and turned her face back to him, kissing her fully on the lips.

Slowly, he pulled out of her, then thrust himself back in.

'Again!' Alice gasped against his lips.

She felt his lips curl into a grin as he told her to wrap her legs around his waist. As soon as she had done that, he pounded into her with an abandon that had her gasping and crying out his name.

Alice stood in front of a mirror, gazing into the attic of her own home.

'How much time do you think has passed?' Alice asked softly.

The Cheshire Cat shrugged. 'Maybe a few hours. Time passes differently between our worlds.'

Alice chewed her lip gently and gazed up at him from under her lashes.

Cheshire glanced down at her and smiled broadly. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. 'Hurry up with that stupid paper you are writing, and then come back to me. I will miss you sorely while you are gone.'

'Won't Mirror Alice take my place as soon as I am gone?' Alice asked.

'Hard to say, but even then, its not the same.' Cheshire Cat told her. He squeezed her gently then pushed her toward the mirror. 'Go before I keep you here. That surely won't be a great start to our new life together.'

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Alice laughed but stepped through the mirror. No sooner then she did, she received a sharp slap to the face.

Behind her, in the mirror, she heard the Cheshire Cat roar.

Alice looked up to find her mother and father standing there, both looking angry.

'I told you she would do it as soon as we left.' Her mother spat angrily, slapping Alice again.

'Don't you fucking touch her!' the Cheshire Cat roared. 'Keep your hands off of her!'

'And she has this beast trying to defend her.' Her mother hissed. 'Break the mirror!'

Her father picked up a hammer from off one of the boxes. They had been waiting. It was all a set up. They were destroying the mirror!

Alice stared at the Cheshire Cat in horror as her father approached.

'With this, all you Demons will leave her be.' Her father said, raising the hammer.

'So you think.' Cheshire said, silkily. 'You will never keep me from her.'

Her father smashed the hammer into the mirror over and over, distorting the picture of the Cheshire Cat until glass shards fell away, and the image of Wonderland disappeared.

'NO!' Alice screamed, crying and clutching at the glass pieces. Blood oozed from her fingertips as she cut herself over and over, trying to gather up all the pieces.

'Go to your room. Get your homework done, and forget that world ever existed. We're doing this because we love you.' Her mother said coldly.

'I hope you die.' Alice whispered. 'I hope you feel broken and cold, like this glass in my hand when you die.'

Her father gave her a backhand that split her lip with the sheer force of it. 'Don't you talk to your mother that way! Now do as you were told!'

Alice stood, dropping the glass pieces and leaving the attic.

She entered her room and grabbed a spiral notebook and a pen and began to write, blood staining the pages all the while. She wrote well into the night, and to the next morning, when she was finally finished.

She stood, not changing clothes, and left for school.

She ignored her other classes and headed straight for Ms. Rouge's room. The teacher didn't have a first period class, but she knew she'd be in there.

'Alice? Dear God, what happened to you?' Ms. Rouge said, standing as soon as she seen her.

Alice shut the classroom door and walked over to the teacher's desk, dropping the notebook on it.

Alice X Cheshire Cat Fanfic

'Ms. Alice Rouge, this is my Wonderland. My parents destroyed the mirror in which I used to get there. I had planned to return as soon as I gave this to you, and disappear from this world forever. They took that away from me. If I can't go back. . .' Alice choked back a sob. 'I can't see my children.'

Ms. Rouge came around the table and hugged Alice tightly.

'I'm so sorry Alice!' She whispered, smoothing out the girl's hair. 'I'm sorry they took that gift away from you.'

'Alice. . .'

'Did you hear that?' Alice asked, snapping her head up.

Ms. Rouge smirked and motioned toward a closet.

Alice walked over to the door and gasped at the giant mirror she found standing there, and the Cheshire Cat. He looked her over and frowned, displeased with the state she was in.

Alice Madness Returns Cheshire Cat X Reader Bendy And The Ink

'I can use other mirrors?' Alice asked.

'No, you could use the mirror in your attic, and you can use this one. The original looking glass. As soon as you are gone, this mirror is going to disappear. It can only be used once by a single Alice every hundred years. It appeared this morning in my house, and I was given instructions as to what to do. You must leave now, though, Alice. If you don't, you will miss your chance.'

Alice leapt through the mirror and into the Cheshire Cat's awaiting arms.

'Thank you!' Alice cried, glancing back at her teacher.

Ms. Rouge smiled and waved, as the mirror began to disappear.

Once it was finally gone, Ms. Rouge shut the closet door and walked over to her desk, picking up the notebook that Alice had turned in. Alice madness returns dlc.

She chuckled and pulled out a lighter from her purse and set the notebook on fire, and threw it in the trashcan before she walked out.

Another Wonderland saved. . .

Author's Note: It's not the end! I swear!