Alice Madness Returns Chapter 5 Memories

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  2. Alice The Madness Returns 3
  3. Chapter 5 Thesis
  4. Alice Madness Returns Chapter 5 Memories Movie
  5. Alice Madness Returns Levels

Hello, everyone. This is a fanfiction I wanted to try, due to my appreciation of the American McGee games. I specifically want to focus on the 'Alice: Madness Returns' game, and I apologize if this isn't what you want to read.

Alice had 5 Memories, indicated by a burning door with the name 'Liddell' written on the lintel. There was one door for each chapter, excluding Chapter 6, and Alice must go through them in order to continue with the story. Unlike the other types of Memories which only have audio, these Memories also showed images relating to the night of the fire. Alice: Madness Returns Wiki Guide; Basics; Basics; Basic Tips; Enemies; Enemies; Chapter 1 Enemies; Chapter 2 Enemies; Chapter 3 Enemies; Chapter 4 Enemies; Chapter 5. Alice had 5 Memories, indicated by a burning door with the name 'Liddell' written on the lintel. There was one door for each chapter, excluding Chapter 6, and Alice must go through them in.

A quick note: This story will have an OC as the main character. I also plan to include content that wasn't released in the official game in the story, mostly concerning Wonderland itself.

Second quick note: I have rated this story as 'M' because the actual games are Mature rated, containing violence and mature themes.

Now a DISCLAIMER: 'Alice: Madness Returns' is owned by Spicy Horse and Electronic Arts. The 'American McGee' series is owned by their creators, including unreleased content for said games. The author owns any OC's or custom elements introduced into this story.

Onward to the Chapter!

Thump. Thump. Thump.

My heart beats in a slow rhythm, the first thing I notice in and around me. I take a breath, and gag on a sour, smoky taste in the air. My legs crouch into my chest as I try to block out any more of this air from entering my nose and mouth.

I feel like vomiting on the cold ground beneath me from the taste. My stomach growls in either hunger pains, or a desire to empty its contents. It takes me a second to realize I'm lying on my side against a hard, broken surface.

I finally uncurl when I feel something knobby poke me in the back. I open my eyes to see a brick wall with several moldy spots in front of me, but not the source of the poking that now happens every few seconds. It takes me a few seconds of concentrated effort to roll over to my other side. The first thing I notice from this action is pain as bits of my skin peel off of the cold surface beneath me.

I then see the mottled and bruised face of a man with matted brown hair who, if he wasn't wearing a suit coat and pants blackened by grime, would probably look quite nice. He holds a large stick in one hand, which he pokes into my stomach without stopping. His blue eyes don't shine when I look at them; he doesn't seem to react to my eye contact, or when I slide back to the empty wall, out of his reach. He now taps the ground where I was with his stick as I notice a large bottle in his other hand. The peeling label on the bottle says 'ELEPHANT ELBOW'S RUM' in large black letters.

My stomach calms down as I take a look at my surroundings, my eyes moving faster than my brain. I'm lying against one of two long brick walls covered in mold, the stick-tapping man slumped against the other. To my left is a smaller wall that's hidden almost completely in shadow, the end of this sort of alleyway. Discarded bottles like the one in the man's hand litter the gray stones beneath me; cobblestones, my mind says, without my knowing why.

I stand up slowly, the wall slimy to my hands as I press against it. The man stops tapping as I stand fully upright, and I accidentally lock eyes with him. His own eyes widen, and a bit of color fills them as his mouth opens slightly. Is he going to say something to me?

No, actually. He just give a dopey grin as his eyes cross over. That sends a chill down my spine, and I turn away before does anything else. The only path I can take away from this drunk leads to an equally-dark crossroad of paths. Each step I take is more like a stumble as my mind, now awake and active, starts to ask questions.

Where am I? How did I get here? Why did I get here? Why is this place like this? What time is it? How long has it been since I last ate or drank something? Am I getting a headache? What was with that man's reaction when he finally seemed to notice me? Was it that rum he drank? Or, is it me? Is something wrong with me?

On that last question, I take a moment to look myself over. My skin seems pale in this darkened space, but I wear a white collared shirt stained on one side with grime, black pants, and black shoes with white socks. A few pokes around my stomach tell me I don't have much skin on my bones.

A hoarse meow reaches my ears as I step into the dark crossroads. I turn my head and see a white cat sitting on the path to my left, which leads to a sun-lit path and a few distant voices. The cat's yellow eyes look at mine, the pupils slightly dilated from the lack of light. I can see its ribs though its fur and skin, but its tail swishes back and forth energetically. Before I can blink, it gets up and walks down the path towards the light.

I look at the other two paths, leading between two-story and three-story houses, neither of them having any sort of light like the path in front of me. No other person is near me, save that drunken man from where I first woke up. It seems like I have a decision to make regarding where I go next. Do I step out into the light that I know nothing about, or remain in the darkness that I at least have some sort of familiarity with?

The cat draws my attention back to it with a loud hiss. It's just about to enter the sun-lit path, but it looks back at me. I feel a tug rise in my chest, like a string that connects to the cat, pulls me with the cat. I take one step forward, then another, and then several more in quick succession, my legs moving faster as the cat darts into the passing crowds of dark-clothed people.

I emerge into the light, and almost instantly press my back against a wall to my left as a man with a belly far too large for his britches wobbles past me. A rotund cigar bobs in his mouth, the smoke from that cigar shrouding his black bowler hat. I hold my breath to avoid coughing from the smoke; it burns my eyes like the alleyway's air.

There are more people than this fat smoker out here, which I notice a moment after he moves on. A few women in brightly-colored dresses, and uglier faces, stand in a group at one corner. Predatory grins are on their faces as they watch the men walking by. I don't hear anything they say, but they point to a few men's legs, and what's between them, as they talk. I don't think I should get involved with that.

Two burly, shirtless men talk among themselves in front of a butcher shop, close by to the evil-looking ladies. These men don't notice the attention they're getting from the females. Or, they could just be ignoring it, I don't know.

A distant tune comes from across another corner, but I can't see the source of the music from where I stand. Alice madness returns rating. The notes sound scrapy and messy, like the player needs more practice. Again, I don't think I should get involved.

The buildings, now revealed under what sunlight I can see through the smoke-filled sky, all look the same. They all have aged wood and stone, peeling paint, spiked roofs, and chimneys that spew more black smoke into the air. So, that was the smoke I was tasting in the alleyway; it hasn't reached the streets, yet, but the air tastes bad enough already. The few windows I see on the buildings are shrouded in darkness.

Nothing feels safe, here. I feel like a fish out of water, afraid to step into this strange place.

My feelings are shoved aside as someone pushes me against the wall with an angry, 'Leave off, you mongrel!'

This comes from a tall, black-suited man with a bowler hat, stubby chin, and wild brown eyes who seems to be smoking a cigar. We lock eyes for just a second, but that second is enough for him to step away from me with a frightened expression and a muttered, 'Bloody fuck!' He looks around, and then jumps as he notices something I don't see.

'Oy, 'e's seen us,' a deep voice shouts out. 'Stop, in the name of the law!'

Two very muscular men charge towards the two of us from within the crowd, one closer than the other. I look them over in just a few moments. They both wear navy blue uniforms made of tail coats, top hats, trousers, and black boots. Their footsteps sound like giant's stomps to my ears. I shouldn't be near them, should I?

The black-suited man next to me barrels through the crowd with wild abandon, away from the uniformed men, and me. I see his cigar falls to the street out of the corner of my eye. I don't get a breath in before the closer of the two men starts shouting from behind me.

'You little cur! You're under arrest for helping Jack Splatter escape!' This man has a rough voice and a deep frown, as he grabs my suit, whirls me around, and raises a fist towards my face. I look away and shut my eyes from what he'll do next.

'Hold your tongue, Williard, you're scaring the wee kid!' I open my eyes as the second uniformed man, with a thicker black mustache, holds the younger 'Williard' back from going full out on me.

'We'd almost snuck up on Splatter, Charlie,' Williard desperately comments without letting me go. 'But, this tyke had to alert him to our presence. Now, that waste of mother's love's gone back to whatever hole in the ground he calls home!'

'You think this urchin deserves harm because of our incognito plan? 'E just appeared, that's all; 'sides, Splatter will turn up again, like a damn termite. Now, what's your name, lad?' The question is directed at me by 'Charlie', who I now turn to face and answer.

At least, I try to answer; for some reason, I can't recall my actual name. Fear makes my throat freeze up and block any words I could say to solve this problem.

'E's afraid to talk,' Williard quickly notes to Charlie. 'E probably knows something about Splatter, at least. Splatter panicked only when 'e appeared!'

Charlie doesn't respond. My fear spreads to my eyes, which burn as my hands start to shake. Charlie's eyes widen in the same way the drunk man did, but he also frowns at something I can't see.

'You're right, Williard,' he states. 'There's something off about 'im, something that needs further looking at. Come on, lad, a rest in a gaol cell will open your mouth towards what you know.'

Charlie's hand rests on my shoulder; his touch makes something inside me break with tremendous force, force that I use to scream, 'Wait!' to the men, and struggle out of their grip. I don't know why I'm doing this, but the image of being trapped somewhere, against my will, frightens me to the core.

'Please,' I breathe out, my voice sounding high-pitched to my ears. 'I… something's wrong. My head… I can't remember things…' I clutch my head as it pounds in quick sequence, opposite to my heartbeat.

'Ay, don't lie to us, lad,' Williard snarls as he grabs my arm. 'You're coming with us!'

The constable's grip is like iron, now. Charlie grabs my other arm before I can break away a second time. The pounding becomes too strong for me to muster any force against their actions, and I slump to the ground in defeat as they drag me away.

The gaol is a three-story building in an area with a cleaner air, and more sunlight, than where I first woke up. The building has large white pillars supporting the floors, with rows of brick and large windows between the pillars. We enter the first floor, which has a large lobby with simple tiling, and pass a few people sitting in seats with dejected or upset expressions. However, we quickly move past them and up a flight of stairs to a cell with a wooden floor, peeling white wall, thick metal bars, and one of the windows I saw earlier providing sunlight. Williard unlocks and opens the door while Charlie holds me from running away—not that I want to at this point.

Charlie forces me inside, my body falling before the window as he slips out. Williard quickly closes and locks the door again, from what I can hear. I don't rise up from the floor, the pounding in my head transitioned by this point into an overall cold that makes me shiver, despite the fact I'm lying in direct sunlight. My eyes are clamped shut as I feel sweat run down my body, my shakes increasing as I crunch my legs to my chest again.

'Lad's pretty young, eh?' This comes from Williard, and I can barely hear his words through the roaring in my ears.

'Mmm,' Charlie agrees. 'A young one, fresh off the slums, I suspect. Makin' his way into the world, but sadly wasn't prepared for it.' A groan escapes my throat as a new spasm of shivers makes me slam my foot against the floor like the drunk man from the alleyway tapped his stick on the ground. I have no control over it, I'm too occupied by my pounding head and picking up whatever Charlie and Williard are saying.

'You think he's another insane case,' Williard asks. 'Should we send him to Rutledge?'

'The asylum? That damn place don't need another broken mind, though they would certainly take care of 'im. Take 'im off of London's streets, for sure. I mean, they cured that one girl last year who'd been in there for ten years, or so. Man, that's a story for the papers there, curing that Alice Liddell.'

At the words 'Alice Liddel', I freeze up. My eyes snap open and stare at a small hole in the nearby wall. Charlie continues to speak, but I don't hear anything from him as, to my growing horror, a large, yellow eye with a slit for a pupil emerges from the hole, glances around the room, and then settles on me. The eye blinks once as a deep, firm voice whispers sing-song words into my ears.

'Ah, Alice. What have you done?'

The eye melts into a pool of blood. I scramble back towards the bars, afraid to touch the red liquid. The guards shut up from whatever they were talking about as I roll over to face them. This time they both back up with surprised expressions when I look at them. Clearly, there's something about my face that people here don't like to see.

I clutch the bars with a hand, my strength returning rapidly as I hoist myself to a standing posture, the headache and cold replaced with a determination that fills me to my center. This determination has an identity, a name, a person it is connected to, a person I must find if I am to calm this chaos in my mind.

A single question comes to my lips, which I ask to the two confused guards in a focused tone. It's so different from the fear I had before, I'm not completely sure it's my voice. But, the question is certainly mine.

'Where is Alice Liddell?'

I sit on the cell floor, the name 'Alice Liddell' the only stable point in my head, the only thing that keeps me anchored to right now, and not drift off into some other realm in my imagination. The rest of my mind flies around in a storm of confusion and ideas, concepts forming and then breaking apart almost instantly afterwards. This storm isn't painful, really, just annoying to have, especially when there's nothing in this cell to draw my attention towards.

Williard and Charlie hadn't answered my question. Actually, they hadn't said anything before walking out of sight. They had also looked at each other in confusion. I had shouted the question to them again as they left my field of view, but they remained silent. I had stayed there for several long seconds as someone in another cell I couldn't see started laughing his head off. I didn't think my question was funny.

Now, I sit before the window as the sun lights up the sky a bright orange. Its heat warms my body and keeps me calm against this mental storm.

One thought that keeps coming up in the storm is that I can't remember my name, if I ever had one to begin with. Should I remember it, though; what if it's a name that gives me more problems? Those two officers, Williard and Charlie, wanted to capture that suited man who had ran into me, a man named 'Jack Splatter'; what if I had a name like his, a name hated by the law? Would I have given my name up for a reason, then?

Does my losing my name connect to that alleyway where I woke up? Did I experience some trauma that led to me being there, like a physical injury? Is that why my face makes people back away in fear? But, what if the injury is a mental one, instead? Is Alice Liddel connected in some way to my injury?

The storm breaks apart as I hear someone approach my cell. I turn from the sunlight to see Charlie say to me, 'You've got a visitor, lad. He says he can help you.'

I quickly stand up, powering through a wave of dizziness that comes from my rapid rising as Charlie nods to someone out of my view. Another man moves beside Charlie, but he isn't a member of the constables.

This man looks older than Charlie, but his figure is slimmer, his shoulders broader. His face is quite long and thin compared to the people I've seen here, his chin quite pointed and his cheekbones easily visible. A quick glance at his uncovered hands shows they are quite bony, as is his nose. His eyes are small and pale, but they seem to have a glimmer of power inside them I can't define, but I know is there. A full dark brown beard and mustache add to his similarly-colored hair.

He wears a brown coat and top hat, black trousers, a white shirt and gray waistcoat, and a red tie. Large round-rimmed glasses rest on his face and further accentuate his eyes. He looks at me, and actually isn't scared away by my focused gaze. This automatically sets me on edge, though I don't know why. I just catch Charlie step away from the cell, but probably not too far away.

'Good afternoon.' The unknown man says this to me, his voice smooth and elegant compared to the officer's deep tones. 'My name is Dr. Angus Bumby. I am the psychiatrist, and head manager, of the Houndsditch Home for Wayward Orphans. I was informed of your specific wants a few hours ago by the Constables who work here. However, I want to make sure that I am understanding the situation correctly. Could you please explain to me exactly what it is that you want?'

The doctor's ending question makes me flinch; I hadn't planned an explanation yet, the mental storm being too discordant for me to speak what I want to others. However, if he is willing to listen, then I can't ruin this one chance I have to leave this place. This cell doesn't seem to have any problems of its own, but it offers no help to figuring out where Alice Liddel is. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, doing my best to calm the mental storm and form the words I need to say.

'I don't remember anything about myself,' I slowly speak while trying to recall everything that's happened to me. 'That part is clear. I woke up in an alleyway, next to a drunken man, and followed a white cat onto a brightly-lit street. I then bumped into a man named Jack Splatter, who then noticed he was being followed by Williard and Charlie in an incognito plan to, I suspect, arrest him. Jack ran into the crowd, and the constables began to question me. I couldn't answer anything they said, so they brought me here and called me an insane case.

'One thing is certain, Doctor,' I say as I open my eyes to meet his own. 'I must find Alice Liddell. I don't know why, but I am certain that it will help me remember who I am. Can you help me do that, Doctor?'

Dr. Bumby doesn't speak for several moments; he strokes his chin with his hands as he looks me over. I feel the cold from before start to return the longer I remain paused like this, but I try my hardest to keep from shivering in front of this man. He seems to be judging me with his eyes, but I'm not sure whether he's trying to find flaws or benefits.

'You seem very determined to find this person,' he then says while crossing his arms over his chest. 'How can you be so sure she, if this is a girl you're talking about, is even in London?' I bristle at this question, but do my best to keep a straight face.

'I will find Alice Liddell, no matter where she is. I have to, if I want any chance of figuring my own past out.'

'What if she's in an asylum, like the nearby Rutledge, or even overseas? You may have to risk life and limb to find her, and she may not want to see you when you do. She might even be dead, you know.'

'I won't believe she's dead until I've seen her fucking corpse!' I scream this at Bumby, gripping the bars with anger-fueled strength. The picture of the one person I know to be true being dead is one my body, and mind, violently reject. Bumby blinks once at my sudden anger, and I release my grip after a few seconds, giving my hands a chance to recirculate their blood.

'Let's make a hypothesis,' Bumby then says while adjusting his glasses slightly. 'Suppose I know where Alice is, and I bring you to her. What would you do, then?'

My answer is instant, not needing any time to craft: 'I would ask her to tell me, honestly, who I was in the past, if she remembers it. I would not try to harm her, or upset her, unless she is upset by my former self.'

Alice Madness Returns Cheats

'And, what if she can't help you, after all?'

'Then, I'll start a new life, with a new job, and wherever I choose to go to live. If Alice doesn't want me around longer than need be, that's fine. However, I need to hear from her that she can't help me, no one else.'

'Right then, time's up, Dr. Bumby,' Charlie suddenly says as he walks back into my view. 'It's getting late. While this conversation is interestin', and all, we have a schedule to keep.'

Bumby doesn't respond, but leaves with Charlie without giving me a second glance. Part of me feels like Bumby won't help me, that he'll take me to this 'Rutledge' place he and Charlie talked about. Either that, or he'll just let me rot away here in gaol. But, another part of me says I've broken through to him, explained my faults, and can trust him to help me out.

Neither side completely trumps the other, though, which makes me crouch down against the cell's far corner in a mixture of despair and impatience. My head bows as sleep consumes me.

A scream wakes me up, and doesn't stop as I realize I'm not in the cell, anymore. The yellow eye from before dominates a black horizon, the pupil darting around wildly as it screams without end. The ground beneath me pulses yellow ever few seconds, which prevents me from standing up as the scream starts to make my ears throb.

Gibbering words come through the scream's discordant noise. I try to crawl away from the eye and the rumbling ground, but I don't get far before the ground all around me begins to shake, even stronger than before. I start to panic as I now see some kind of black liquid covering my hands, more of it emerging with every shake of the ground. I try to brush it off, but that only spreads it onto the surrounding ground, and my clothes. I get covered in the muck very quickly, the smell of it extremely fowl to my nostrils.

'Alice!' The eye cries this out as I turn my head back to it and see it is being covered over by the same muck. 'Save us, Alice! Save us all!'

The ground beneath me breaks open before I can ask the eye how it knows Alice's name. I tumble through flashing yellow air into a pool of the same black muck. It sucks my body in, its smell and taste eye-wateringly foul. My screams turn into gargles as an inhuman face appears far above the muck.

The face laughs at my misfortune without a voice.

I gasp fresh air into my lungs, and feel liquid on my hands. I brush it off for fear that it's more of that black stuff, but it's actually a clear, sticky substance.

It suddenly clicks that I'm wiping my own drool, which makes me shudder in disgust at my own actions before I wipe them on any space I can, not that it helps me get any cleaner. Sunlight streams in from the window to show a new day. I'm not pleased to see it.

Footsteps resound down the corridor outside my cell, and I move to the bars to see Charlie and Dr. Bumby come up to me. They look a bit happier than yesterday.

'Alright, boy,' Charlie says as he unlocks my cell door. 'Dr. Bumby's bailing you out, not that you had much of a bail to begin with.' Charlie shoots me a lopsided grin at his remark, to which I try to smirk back, but don't get more than a raise of my lips. I slowly step out of the cell, and Bumby quickly takes my hand. His touch seems firm, but his grip feels like iron.

Alice The Madness Returns 3

'Come,' he quickly says. 'You've been enrolled at Houndsditch. You're frankly too young to live your life in a gaol cell. I can help you find what you're looking for, but only if you let me help you recover your memories, in turn. Do we have an agreement?'

'I trust you, Doctor.' I shake his hand as I say this, my heart pounding in joy that I'm finally on the right step to finding out who I once was. We walk down the stairway together, but Bumby releases his grip on my hand when we reach the ground-floor lobby.

'Remember,' he then says as we through the now-empty room. 'I'm here to help you. Recovering memories is a tricky buisness. I just want to make sure you understand that.'

I nod in response as we enter into the outside streets. Even though they don't look clearer, I feel better about my situation, in general, as we head towards Houndsditch.

Alright, that's all I'll put for now. I hope you have liked what you've read so far. I will do my best to set up a schedule for posting new chapters, but that will depend on the chapter's length and how distracted I am with other important things (like work, and all that).

Please review, comment, and constructively criticize as you wish.

Draconos is taking off!

Welcome to the next chapter, everyone! As I said in the last chapter's ending, the Wonderland adventure has finally begun. From now on, the story will follow Alice's path through the game's events, unless I choose to change some elements. I also hope my description of what Alice and Kyle encounter is entertaining for you to read.

However, if you have comments about my writing so far, please let me know after reading this chapter. I do know that I spent a bit of time in London, setting up my OC and his problems. Now that the story has shifted into Wonderland, I'd like to hear of any suggestions you all have regarding how you'd like the story to expand. Your comments are important, since this story is being written with your enjoyment in mind.

Now, for the DISCLAIMER: 'Madness Returns' is owned by Spicy Horse and published by Electronic Arts (EA). The 'American McGee's Alice' series is owned by their creators, including unpublished work. The author owns his OC and any custom elements he chooses to introduce into the story.

Onward to the Chapter!

I float upright in midair toward a small waterfall. Air flows between my fingers, the currents almost controllable. The sky is a bright blue, with barely any clouds blocking the warm sunlight. Flying dominoes and clock pieces move around in their own slow patterns. A rainbow shines over a large forest of trees with mushrooms for a canopy. The trees by the waterfall are colored green, orange and pink. A a few leaves fly by me as I land in a field of rust-colored grass.

Alice lands a bit ahead of me on the same patch of grass. She doesn't seem to notice me as she looks around the place, and lets out a long breath. The trickling of a nearby stream that connects to the waterfall sounds pleasant to my ears. I look at Alice again, and see that her appearance has changed significantly.

Her hair is longer, and flows with a red tint. Her skin is brighter, her lips and eyes more colorful. Could this change be through the pleasant atmosphere of this place, when compared to London's smog and soot? I'm not sure, and I keep silent as I notice Alice's clothing has also changed.

She now wears a blue knee-length dress with short, puffy sleeves beneath a white bloodstained pinafore apron. The two pockets on the apron's front have strange symbols etched on them. A small pendant with another strange symbol is around her neck. A white ribbon is tied around her waist, with a cream-colored human skull on her back holding the ribbon together. Black-and-white striped stockings join knee-high black boots bearing several silver buckles to complete her new image.

'Very unsettling journey,' she says as she looks at the trees. 'But, I'm rid of Pris, or whatever she's become.'

It takes me a moment to realize 'Pris' is the name, or nickname, of Nurse Witless. I glance back up at the sky in worry that she followed us into this place, but there's no sign of that woman.

'At least the place I've landed in is somewhat familiar,' Alice continues as she steps forward a bit, and looks around a second time. She still doesn't notice me. I look along the stream's path, and quickly spot an orange-feathered bird with a bright white cow's head that seems too large for its body. It's eyes droop as it stares into the water, not moving from its small moss-covered perch.

A whoosh of air turns my attention to the bottom of a small incline along the stream's left. I stare as a cat appears from apparently nothing but wisps of air. It's gray-and-black fur cling to its bones, like it hasn't eaten a meal in many days. Strange curved markings, possibly tattoos, spread across its fur, and its tail ends in a sharp tuft. Despite its skin-and-bones appearance, its yellow eyes glow brightly, and its grinning mouth seems too large for its face. The teeth are stained with specks of blood, the ears pointed, the paws large with sharp claws. Its left ear has a small silver hoop earring that reflects some of the sunlight around us as it twitches that ear.

'About time too, Alice,' the cat says to Alice in a voice very close to the voice from my nightmares. Before I can question what this cat is doing here, Alice beats me to the punch with her own exclamation.

'Blasted cat,' she spits at the creature as she crosses her hands on her chest. 'Don't try to annoy me. I'm very much on edge!'

'Purrrrrfect,' the cat says, rolling the r's like a drum. 'When you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.' The cat's smile never fades, even as it talks, almost like it was born with it. I quickly dismiss the image of a kitten with that kind of human-like grin; it's not a pretty sight.

'You're no help at all,' Alice comments to the creature, to which it flicks its ears back, leans its head forward and snidely replies, 'But you know I can be.' What's that supposed to mean, though? Have these two met before, or something?

'I'll frighten myself, when necessary, thanks very much,' Alice says with a shake of her head. 'I was hoping to escape from all that.'

'Abandon that hope!' The cat's tone suddenly turns serious, even though it still grins maniacally. 'A new law reigns in this Wonderland, Alice. It's very rough justice all round, we're at risk here. You, and you, be on your guard.'

The cat turns to face me at that last sentence, its eyes narrowed and sharp. Before I can ask it what 'be on your guard' means, it vanishes the same way it appeared.

'How…?' I turn to look at Alice, her face a mix of angry and confused. 'How long have you been standing there? Actually, how did you get here in the first place?'

'I fell down that hole with you when I tried to hold Nurse Witless, or whatever monster she's turned into, back,' I slowly explain. 'Several voices talked at once in that hole, but there was one voice that stood out. The cat you just spoke to had that voice.'

'The Cheshire Cat? How is his voice familiar to you?' Alice seems flabbergasted at my observation. Her mind is probably racing a mile a minute to figure all this out. Her tone calms down as she then asks, 'What did that voice say to you when you fell down the hole?'

'Welcome to Wonderland',' I answer. 'Is that what this place is called? Wonderland?'

'Yes, it is.' Alice's eyes glaze over for a moment as she stares through me. 'I found, or made, this realm when I was a little girl, but it's changed many times since then. Mostly for the worse, actually. If what Chess said is true, which I very much doubt, then something is trying to destroy Wonderland.'

'Is this your world, then? You're talking as if you have a connection to it.'

'You could call it mine; I know all the places here by heart. This place, for example,' she says as she gestures to our surroundings, 'is the Vale of Tears. It's possibly the nicest place we could be in. Some of the residents in Wonderland's other realms have tried to claim this world for themselves, and I've had to take them down on my own.'

The nonchalant way she says that last bit surprises me. If this is her world, or a world she considers herself in charge of, shouldn't she be more worried about its safety?

'You know, Alice,' I comment after a moment of silence. 'You look nicer, now. Wonderland's style of clothing suits you well.' Alice looks over her dress briefly, and then raises an eyebrow at me with the words, 'Well, your new look is certainly better off.'

I pause in confusion, and then look myself over. I now wear a black suit over a dark blue shirt and black pants. Two other symbols I don't recognize are etched in red along either shoulder of the suit. Black boots with blue buckles cover my feet, and a small silver cat's face acts as a buckle for a thin belt around my waist.

I move over to the stream and take a look in the water. My reflection reveals that my skin, like Alice's, is brighter, and my black hair is slicked back like it was combed. My eyes look sharper than they did in London, almost glowing with green light.

'So,' Alice says as I lean back from the sight of my new self. 'There seems to be only one path forward, and we won't fix Wonderland's problem by standing here.' She then turns to me.

'I'm not sure how you got into Wonderland with me,' she continues, 'but while you're here, I could use whatever skills you have in defeating whatever supposed evil that cat spoke about. As the heroes of old say, are you with me?'

'I'm with you, Alice,' I instantly answer with a smile. 'Lead the way.'

We quickly walk up the incline, the cow-bird flapping off when we get close to its perch. The stream leads to a small waterfall, and the grass where we started continues to grow aong our path. Red-tinted flowers bloom as we pass them by, and pink butterflies flutter around us. What Alice said before seems correct; this place is nice and peaceful. If there's some kind of evil in Wonderland, it certainly isn't here.

When we reach the top of the hill, the river cuts through our path. I calculate we need to wade across it, or jump over it, to get to the other side. I look at the river's flow in reverse, and see a large stone statue of what looks like Alice crying; water streams from the eyes like tears. Alice then taps my shoulder, and points to a small floating, glowing white house that looks several years old, much larger than any London house I saw.

'My old house,' Alice comments with interest as she reaches out for it. 'Why is that—?'

Her words turn into a gasp as the house shatters at her touch. Her body stiffens for several seconds as a young female voice echoes around us with the words, 'You're part frog, Alice, I swear. You jump so well!'

'Care to tell me who that was?' I ask after the voice fades away, while staying a few steps back from Alice. Her face shows pain as she replies, 'That was my sister, Lizzie. Maybe that house is some kind of memory, a picture of my past.'

'I think you're right,' I comment after I mull over it for a second. 'That family picture you had in Houndsditch had a woman a bit older than you. I thought it was a sister when I first saw it; that voice we just heard is probably hers.'

'It is hers,' Alice forcefully says with sudden realization. 'I know very well how she sounds!'

I step back with hands raised in defense; is mentioning her family history a bad thing to do? I'm just stating a point, is all. When I turn back to Alice, I catch her jumping across the stream to the other side. I follow suit as our path now angles up.

Our movement up the path wakes up a large cow-bird with red feathers, gray head, and thick horns. It caws angrily at us as it flies into the forest. Dominos of varying numbers make up part of the ground here, along with an old snail shell that has roots around it. The shell and tree are both gigantic, as if the tree grew around the shell itself.

As we reach two small cliffs above a dead-end, a domino flies to us from the surrounding sky and connects to the cliff we are on. Several more dominoes, along with dice, gears, and several animals in small, floating glass balls, fill the open sky to our right. Alice uses the connecting domino to easily jump the gap, and I do the same. The moment I land on the other side, a high-pitched giggle reaches our ears; we look around us, but there's no one nearby.

We quickly reach the crying Alice statue, which stands as tall as some of the buildings in London. Its stone is elegantly carved, the image fitting quite well with the surrounding plant life. When I look closer, my initial suspicion about it being the river's source turns out to be incorrect. Some water does flow from its eyes, down its cheeks and hands, and into the river. However, the actual river falls from above the statue, along a moss-covered cliff face.

A pile of dominoes rests along the statue's base, some of which rise up to level off with our position as a jumping path. Alice jumps forward, but she doesn't jump far enough to reach the first domino. She suddenly twirls in midair, and her dress balloons out and creates a small bunch of flower petals that fall to the ground below. This twirl and lift gives her the extra distance she needs to reach the domino. When she does, she looks back at me and notices I haven't moved an inch.

'Come on,' she says. 'You know how to twirl, right?' I jump straight up and try to twirl, but I just crash onto the soft ground instead. I try again, and then again, but keep failing.

'Sorry, Alice,' I say as I get up again, feeling slightly woozy from spinning myself around so much. 'I don't think I can jump the way you can.'

'Well, you've got to try something,' Alice notes, stating the obvious. 'We need to keep moving.'

I nod and move to the cliff's edge. Worry about not moving forward gurgles in my gut. I force myself to calm down, to listen to the running water and the rustling of the leaves around me. Alice calls out to me, but I ignore her words.

The same power from when I fell into Wonderland flows through me, and around me, like a swirling mist. My relaxed mind fully accepts this energy as my limbs grow stronger. I hold on to this energy as I back up a few steps, snap my eyes open, and race forward.

I leap off the cliff as white mist flows at the corner of my eyes. I land near the edge of the first domino, the mist fading away the moment I touch the object.

Alice madness returns guide

'Woah,' I let out as I regain my balance. 'What a rush!'

'That certainly did look exhilarating,' Alice comments. 'I saw white mist around your body when you made that jump. A bit dramatic to my eye, but if it'll help you keep up with me, I won't complain.'

'You conjure blue flower petals from beneath your dress when you jump,' I counter with a smirk. 'I think that's kind of dramatic, as well.'

Alice mutters a, 'Touché,' before we continue jumping along the dominoes, her in front of me. We almost run into a red-haired child in a white dress at the path's end. This child laughs as it runs away, and we can't catch up to it. I glance to Alice for an explanation, but she just keeps moving.

We jump down a few rocks and approach a field of pink mushrooms, some of which sprout up as we walk by. Another glowing house, a family memory, floats before us, and Alice carefully touches it.

This time, an older female voice, probably Alice's mother, says, 'If you leap from that table again, Alice, I'll expire. You're two times too reckless, my girl!' Alice doesn't seem to react to it, she just jumps across the mushrooms to a part of a nearby rock face. I follow behind her and notice a pink mushroom with brighter pink rings on it sproust from the ground right by where Alice now is.

When she steps on that mushroom, it launches her into the air with an audible pop and a trail of yellow dust. She lands on a path higher up on the rock. Curious, I step onto the mushroom and launch upward in the same manner. So, the fungus acts like some giant spring. That's neat!

I land just as Alice touches another 'house memory'. This time, a man, probably Alice's father, comments, ''Amanita Muscaria, Alice, is merely a stinky toadstool. A spongy consistency, but poisonous.''

'Your family seems to have a lot of advice for you,' I say to Alice just before she uses another of these toadstools to launch up to the highest flat space on the rock. Alice doesn't respond, which I understand; she's probably thinking too hard about what these memories mean to her.

I briefly notice a strange yellow keyhole carved into the rock on my right, but the hole is far too small for me to crawl through. So, I just get to Alice's position, and we both look at a large pool in a valley before us.

A large glass bottle with a very thin top is suspended by a cluster of vines. The top of the bottle is open, purple liquid pouring out like the Vale's river and forming a pool that covers a good portion of the surrounding area. A large tag hangs on a string from the bottle, the words, 'DRINK ME' elegantly written in blue ink.

'I've been down this road before,' Alice comments as we both jump down onto a solid patch of ground closer to the purple pool. 'Good things in small packages?'

The rustling of air alerts me to the Cheshire Cat, who appears on a domino that rises above the liquid to accommodate him.

'Though lacking a bathing costume,' the cat says while glancing at the bottle. 'A plunge in that pool is in order!'

A glance in my direction from the feline tells me that both of us should do this. I swallow a lump in my throat as Alice steps into the falling liquid, letting it flow across her body and make a few bubbles. Her clothes don't get wet; instead, Alice and her clothes start to shrink.

'My God!' Alice's voice sounds the same as before, even as her body rapidly shrinks down to the point I can barely see her. 'I'm shrinking in this potion! Shall I disappear?!'

'Almost,' the cat replies with a shake of his head, and a smug wave of one of its paws at me. 'But the upside is that, while small, you can see things that are nearly invisible to your bigger self.'

I'm not sure whether the cat is speaking to me, or Alice, when he says this, since he looks in both of our directions before he finishes. As if to lighten the mood, Alice then hiccups, which I chuckle at.

'Ah! I get it. Quite!' Alice says this as she returns to her normal state, apparently having the ability to do so now. 'Forest for the trees', just the other way round. Short-sighted is more than a matter of perspective!' Alice steps out of the pool, as dry as ever.

'Your turn,' the cat says to me with a flick of its ears. I look hard at the cat, the bottle, and Alice, without a word. They don't say anything back. With a sigh, I walk into the liquid.

The water feels cold, but not freezing. Even so, I only stay underneath it for a few seconds. As I take a step back towards Alice and the cat, everything quickly grows larger. I shrink down to what feels like a few inches in height. Everything around me is tinted purple, the surrounding sounds muted to my ears.

Then, I hiccup in a high-pitched voice. A few purple bubbles rise into the air as I feel my cheeks grow hot. I take a few steps in this state to get my balance, but it turns out I can walk, and run, just fine, save for the fact I cover a much smaller distance in this state. Once on a solid surface, I take a deep breath and just will myself back to my normal height. My clothes, like Alice's, are not wet at all from my 'plunge'. The Cheshire Cat is gone now, and Alice looks a bit impatient.

With a quick, 'Let's go,' she moves to a keyhole at the far right of this area, with a glowing white syringe to that object's right. Alice moves over to the syringe and touches it, while I move to the keyhole and shrink down. I quickly see some glowing purple drawings on the rock wall; two arrows that point to the keyhole, a large basket, and an angry-looking woman with a fancy headdress.

The words of an older man, far older than Alice's father, reach my ears as I return to normal height: 'Look at how small she's become, she's barely there. A vixen in her hidey-hole.' I turn to Alice for an explanation, but she doesn't notice my look for a moment. When she does, she sighs in irritation.

'That was Dr. Wilson,' she explains. 'He was my… caretaker at Rutledge Asylum, but he asked too many damn questions for him to really care about me.'

'You didn't like him, then? What about Dr. Bumby; is he any different?' Alice glares at me after I ask these questions, and I clam up before she does something worse. She sighs again while running a hand through her hair, and then explains.

'I don't dislike Dr. Wilson; he meant me no harm at Rutledge. I just didn't think the way he did things, his 'practice', was correct. Bumby is a different story; if there are any memories here about his sessions with me over the past year, you'll understand why.' I nod silently in understanding.

Alice then shrinks down, looks at the same place on the rock that I noticed the sketches, and walks through the keyhole. I quickly follow behind. The keyhole leads to a tunnel, neatly carved through roots and soil to not have any obstructions in our path. We move through it, and emerge back where the memory of Alice's father was. We take the same toadstool spring up, and shrink down through a keyhole to our left.

However, a set of arrows point to some kind of purple blossom that blooms next to the hole. Alice and I look at each other while shrunken, and then she boldly steps into the blossom. The flower's petals instantly close up around Alice and begin to pulse in a rhythmic pattern. I unshrink with a quick breath and reach toward the flower to pull the petals apart by force.

Before I touch the flower, Alice bursts out of the petals at full-size. She obliterates all traces of the flower as she does so. I briefly see two large, white teeth emerge from the flower, which Alice's body instantly absorbs.

'Are you alright?' I quickly ask, to which Alice replies, 'Fine, fine. A bit better, actually; these violets seem to heal you when you enter them. A nice touch.'

I smile in relief, and we shrink down and move through the keyhole tunnel, both of us hiccuping once along the way. We emerge in a new area and unshrink to take a look. A small grassy surface is before us, along with a massive multicolored snail with a giant tree growing on its shell. The roots of the tree, like on the empty shell from before, grow around the snail, apparently restraining it in place.

The snail's small eyes hang on long stalks, its expression distant as it looks at us. I get a gut feeling that this creature doesn't care about us, the tree on its shell, or its surroundings.

'Curious, isn't it,' Alice asks me as she briefly looks at the snail. 'Wonderland's creatures are amazing, and terrifying, in their own way. Let's not disturb it any longer, now.'

I hum in reply as Alice jumps down to a solid surface of roots, dominoes, and solid rock. I follow her and instantly notice a second, smaller tree-snail resting on a large rock next to another tree. Like the first of its kind, this animal looks content with its surroundings. I don't question this any further as a few more teeth fly into Alice's body while we continue moving.

We land on a lower rock face, and move through another keyhole, into a small chamber between where we just came from and yet another keyhole. Alice quickly points to an area of the white surface around us, and I see a sketch of some human with a horned beast's head next to the image of knife. On another area, a pointing finger leads to a path beneath a stack of dominoes and dice; one domino is positioned sideways above the dice to make a gap we can pass through.

After Alice absorbs a few more teeth, we enter a larger chamber with the same white surface around us. A few mushrooms and plants are here, but what get smy attention is a purple drawing of what Alice calls her family home sketched along the white surface. An arrow next to the drawing leads behind a blue toadstool. We unshrink and head over to find another family memory.

Lizzie's voice speaks to us when Alice breaks the memory: 'I'll never have more fun alone than when I rode the big slide in Hyde Park. Papa will take you soon, Alice.'

I start to ask Alice what this means, but stop when I see she looks angrier than ever. Is she not liking the fact that her family's words are scattered across Wonderland like this? I don't feel good about keeping these questions to myself when the obvious source for answers is right next to me, but I don't want to make Alice angrier. So, once again, I shut up as we move onto the blue toadstool. It launches us up a long natural hole towards a bright white light.

The light fades as we land safely on a large wooden platform made of dominoes, which leads to a large green slide with wooden rails. The slide stretches down beyond what I can see, and the sight of several floating islands above a sea of white clouds takes my breath away.

Birds fly in the distance, dodging more of the sky-bound objects I've seen here. Trees with various colored flowers grow around the slide, but never spreading onto it. I take a sniff of the air, and find it almost sweet, which further shows this place's beauty.

'Ready to take a ride?' I jump as Alice asks me this, her gaze on the path before us. She smiles in amusement at my startled state, and then leaps down onto the slide. She glides on her rear end, using her legs and arms to turn and get near the teeth along the way.

I watch her until she vanishes from sight, and then jump on myself. The seat of my pants starts to burn the longer I slide, but I am more worried about falling off into the clouds far below than my ass catching fire.

I don't have to worry. Actually, the ride is quite pleasant. I don't need to twist my body too far to turn where I want, and the wind that flows over and under my arms makes me think that, for a brief moment, I'm flying across a beautiful set of islands. I bump into the rail once, but it just stops me instead of launching me off into the abyss, like I feared.

I soon see Alice again further down the slide as she smashes into snail shells that have grown on the slide's surface. Each shell she breaks slows her down slightly, which lets me eventually catch up to her. She even does some quick twists to catch some teeth at either end of the slide.

We fly off the slide's end and land on another grassy surface. A river of foul-smelling blood flows in place of tears. The blood cascades down a waterfall I can't see the bottom of as I look off the edge of where we stand. I don't look very long, of course, since I don't want to have a gust of wind push me off. I hear a splash from nearby, and turn to Alice as she starts to wade through the blood.

Actually, she doesn't as much 'wade' as 'walk'; the blood only reaches up to her ankles. Her steps makes small splashes and ripples, and she doesn't seem disgusted by it. I gather my courage and follow Alice into the blood, towards a large clearing. The blood gets nowhere near my face, but I feel some splatter onto my pants and leave an ice-cold touch.

Once we reach the clearing, the source of the blood river is revealed; the giant skeleton of some winged, reptilian creature with a long tail, long arms with three-clawed hands, some rusted mechanical device in its chest, and a skull with two massive buck teeth. The blood hangs in a pool around the bones, a large clear surface around the dead titan. A large silver knife with a short brown wooden handle is lodged into the creature's skull, the blade itself stained with blood. Maybe the blade's the source of the blood, and not the creature?

'I didn't expect the Jabberwock would be alive,' Alice says, either to herself or me, as we approach the splayed remains. 'Stealing an eye from someone usually means their death. But, I had to do it, in order to purge my own guilt about my family's demise. Why is the beast still here, though?'

The word 'demise' makes something click to me about Alice's emotions. If her family died, and she's the only survivor, then hearing the voices of her family members probably isn't what she wants right now. Has she moved on from that point? Is that what her time in Rutledge Asylum was for? Is Dr. Bumby helping her on that now, when she has sessions with her?

My thoughts are interrupted by the Cheshire Cat's arrival; he appears just before Alice, on a part of the clean surface. He looks hard at Alice as he solemnly declares, 'The Vorpal Blade is swift and keen, and always ready for service.'

A sharp shlick comes from the Jabberwock's skull as the blade dislodges itself from the creature and rises into the air. The weapon floats to Alice, and she grips the handle in her right hand. She taps the metal with a finger, and rubs her hand along the opposite edge as a high-pitched ring makes my ears tingle.

'I've not come back here looking for a fight,' Alice says, her eyes focused on the weapon. 'And, I'm sure Kyle doesn't want to see one for himself.' I quickly nod to the cat to confirm her words, to which the cat gives me a brief glance.

'Really? That's a pity,' he says to the two of us as Alice swings the blade a few times, a blue light shining from the metal. 'One's certainly looking for the two of you.' He then vanishes, just seconds before the ground shakes and the entire Jabberwock skeleton crumbles into dust. Nothing remains of this once-mighty beast.

I then notice Alice reading a piece of paper rolled around the blade's handle; she must have pulled it out when she was swinging the weapon around. The paper is actually a poster advertising the Vorpal Blade, with comments like, 'It goes Snicker-Snack!' and 'It leaves them dead (as seen in previous poem)' filling the bottom sections. The poster shows the words 'VORPAL, 1842' engraved where the wooden handle joins the silver blade.

'You hold on to this,' Alice says as she rolls the paper back up and hands it to me. 'I don't want the extra weight; I already know what this blade can do.'

I tuck the paper into a pants pocket as Alice goes on a slashing rampage against the snail shells in the clearing. Blue light streams from her attacks, and each shell haes teeth that she instantly absorbs. Some shells also have glowing rose petals which Alice also absorbs. They don't seem to do anything to her, but it doesn't look like she has a choice as to whether she takes them.

Another glowing syringe floats in one corner of the clearing; I head over to it to help Alice see it once she's done all her hacking and slashing. When she finishes up, she heads over to me once she sees where I am. When she touches the memory, Dr. Wilson's voice comes to us again; 'Fight or flight indicates a permanent choice, but flight often means putting off the fight to another day. Choose your battles wisely, Alice.'

'I know how to fight,' Alice bitterly remarks to where the memory once was. 'No thanks to you.'

Alice then walks to a path almost completely covered by roots, but she easily slips through. I follow, and enter a new clearing of brown soil and leaves. There are also several large splotches of black tar here. I gasp as goosebumps races up my arms; this is the same tar from my nightmares!

The ground shakes as soon as we step towards one of the splotches; the tar rises and congeals into a humanoid form with a large engine on its back pumping black smog into the air. Its three-fingered arms, and four spider-like legs, are thin compared to its body, and its face is hidden beneath a white doll mask. It gurgles some kind of battle cry, and then charges toward Alice with a raised arm. Its four legs scuttle extremely fast to keep its body upright.

Alice attacks first as I freeze up in fear. She slices into the creature with the Vorpal Blade in a three-hit combo. She also manages to stun it, until a burst of fire from the machine on its back makes it charge forward and swipe Alice across the arm. She stumbles back, but instantly resumes her attack, slicing again and again into her foe. A few more slices cause it to scream in agony, and then melt back into the tar from which it was born.

The tension doesn't die down for an instant as two more of these creatures rise up from other tar splotches. One of them instantly charges at me with a loud gurgle, and I backstep out of its range. I then crash against the rock wall of the clearing, and slump to the ground. The tar-covered monster doesn't waste a second as fire streams from its back, and it bursts forward. I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact.

The same power from before flows through my veins as I feel my body fade away for a moment. Mist fills my vision, and then returns to normal. I blink, and realize I'm not in the same space I was a second ago. I look back to see the monster turn towards me from the rock wall, probably confused as I am to what just happened. Before it moves, I move further away from it in the same manner. I see my body fade into mist, slide across the surface, and then reform into flesh and blood.

I almost laugh with amazement as I now realize what's happened; I can turn into mist to avoid attacks, and move around! I'm nigh invincible!

A gurgled scream from elsewhere in the clearing turns my attention to Alice as she forcefully digs the Vorpal Blade beneath the mask of the other tar creature, and rips it off. She says something as the creature melts away, but I am too far away to hear it. We lock eyes for a moment, her eyes wide and alight with the fury of battle.

She then points close to me and cries, 'Watch out!'

I turn back to see my foe about to slash at me. I instantly teleport away, and then do so a few more times for good measure, until I'm at the other end of the clearing. I pant as I look to Alice, who looks surprised. She then also teleports towards the monster, but she turns into a shower of blue butterflies. She swiftly ends the tar-creature's existence with her Blade, and the splotches melt into the ground. Nothing else comes up to fight us.

'Are you alright,' Alice asks me as she runs over to my position. I reply with a smirk as I say, 'Yeah, I'm fine. I feel better than fine, since I can fucking teleport at will!'

'You should have seen that attack coming, regardless.' My joy wilts as Alice starts to lecture me with her hands on her hips. 'One of the first rules of combat is to never let down your guard, even if you have a clear advantage. One slip up can mean the difference between life and death. Besides, you don't have a weapon right now, unless you want to try punching these things.'

'Well, then,' I say while trying to keep my anger against Alice's accusing tone in check. 'What's your advice for me until I get a weapon of my own?'

'Teleport only when necessary,' Alice replies like she's an experienced warrior. 'and keep your enemy distracted. Look for a way to escape, if there is one; if not, use the environment to your advantage.'

'How do you know all this, anyway,' I ask. 'I've never seen you fight.'

That was the wrong thing to say. Alice strides towards me with sudden anger towards my words.

'Do you think I saved Wonderland the first time by talking nicely to my enemies? Did I host lavish parties for them so we could discuss terms in diplomacy? No! I had to take them down to my level, rip them apart with my bare hands and the weapons of Wonderland. I've fought, killed, and castrated anyone who stood against me because it was the only way to win!'

I press my back against the wall as Alice moves the Blade to my neck. Her face seethes with anger, her eyes alight with that battle fury so otherworldly to someone as beautiful as her. It seems so… familiar as well.

'You're her,' I mutter as all feeling drains from my face. A familiar, white-clothed woman, flashes in my eyes as I say, 'You're that woman from my nightmares.'

Alice blinks, and then quickly steps back. Her left hand grips her right to pull the Vorpal Blade down. I breathe deeply several times to clear my mind from my earlier fears, but I still see the nightmare woman in Alice's posture and face. Alice looks around the clearing, several steps away from me.

'A path's been opened,' she says while pointing to an area where tree roots have been pulled apart to reveal a narrow pathway. 'Let's go. Stay behind me.'

I nod silently to Alice, and we duck under the roots and walk to a new area of the Vale of Tears. Our adventure has apparently just begun.

Chapter 5 Thesis

Alright, that's enough for now. I originally had more planned for this chapter, but I think this is enough for you all to read for the time being.

Alice Madness Returns Chapter 5 Memories Movie

As I said earlier this chapter, please comment about how you'd like this story to go. I'll read your suggestions and/or ideas, and respond if I need further details from you. Reviews and constructive criticism are also welcome, of course.

Alice Madness Returns Levels

Draconos is taking off!